mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 15:46:59 +01:00
make_tileable node.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
[gd_resource type="Resource" load_steps=132 format=2]
[gd_resource type="Resource" load_steps=136 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://addons/mat_maker_gd/nodes/mm_material.gd" type="Script" id=1]
[ext_resource path="res://addons/mat_maker_gd/nodes/noise/noise.gd" type="Script" id=2]
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
[ext_resource path="res://addons/mat_maker_gd/nodes/filter/grayscale.gd" type="Script" id=32]
[ext_resource path="res://addons/mat_maker_gd/nodes/filter/blend.gd" type="Script" id=33]
[ext_resource path="res://addons/mat_maker_gd/nodes/filter/emboss.gd" type="Script" id=34]
[ext_resource path="res://addons/mat_maker_gd/nodes/filter/make_tileable.gd" type="Script" id=35]
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=3]
script = ExtResource( 5 )
@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ sides = 11
radius = SubResource( 4 )
edge = SubResource( 3 )
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=111]
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=129]
script = ExtResource( 5 )
default_type = 5
default_int = 0
@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ default_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 )
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=6]
script = ExtResource( 6 )
graph_position = Vector2( 300, -400 )
image = SubResource( 111 )
image = SubResource( 129 )
postfix = "-test"
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=9]
@ -295,7 +296,7 @@ default_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 )
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=39]
script = ExtResource( 12 )
graph_position = Vector2( 400, 180 )
graph_position = Vector2( 400, 300 )
out_bricks_pattern = SubResource( 32 )
out_random_color = SubResource( 37 )
out_position_x = SubResource( 35 )
@ -799,7 +800,7 @@ default_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 )
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=115]
script = ExtResource( 11 )
graph_position = Vector2( 220, -20 )
graph_position = Vector2( 300, -140 )
interpolation_type = 1
points = PoolRealArray( )
image = SubResource( 114 )
@ -877,7 +878,33 @@ angle = 20.0
amount = 5.0
width = 6.0
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=130]
script = ExtResource( 5 )
default_type = 5
default_int = 0
default_float = 0.0
default_vector2 = Vector2( 0, 0 )
default_vector3 = Vector3( 0, 0, 0 )
default_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 )
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=131]
script = ExtResource( 5 )
default_type = 4
default_int = 0
default_float = 0.0
default_vector2 = Vector2( 0, 0 )
default_vector3 = Vector3( 0, 0, 0 )
default_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 )
input_property = SubResource( 35 )
[sub_resource type="Resource" id=132]
script = ExtResource( 35 )
graph_position = Vector2( 700, 700 )
image = SubResource( 130 )
input = SubResource( 131 )
width = 0.1
script = ExtResource( 1 )
image_size = Vector2( 128, 128 )
nodes = [ SubResource( 5 ), SubResource( 6 ), SubResource( 12 ), SubResource( 15 ), SubResource( 18 ), SubResource( 21 ), SubResource( 24 ), SubResource( 27 ), SubResource( 39 ), SubResource( 42 ), SubResource( 45 ), SubResource( 49 ), SubResource( 54 ), SubResource( 58 ), SubResource( 60 ), SubResource( 63 ), SubResource( 66 ), SubResource( 69 ), SubResource( 71 ), SubResource( 73 ), SubResource( 78 ), SubResource( 82 ), SubResource( 85 ), SubResource( 88 ), SubResource( 90 ), SubResource( 92 ), SubResource( 96 ), SubResource( 100 ), SubResource( 108 ), SubResource( 110 ), SubResource( 112 ), SubResource( 113 ), SubResource( 115 ), SubResource( 120 ), SubResource( 123 ) ]
nodes = [ SubResource( 5 ), SubResource( 6 ), SubResource( 12 ), SubResource( 15 ), SubResource( 18 ), SubResource( 21 ), SubResource( 24 ), SubResource( 27 ), SubResource( 39 ), SubResource( 42 ), SubResource( 45 ), SubResource( 49 ), SubResource( 54 ), SubResource( 58 ), SubResource( 60 ), SubResource( 63 ), SubResource( 66 ), SubResource( 69 ), SubResource( 71 ), SubResource( 73 ), SubResource( 78 ), SubResource( 82 ), SubResource( 85 ), SubResource( 88 ), SubResource( 90 ), SubResource( 92 ), SubResource( 96 ), SubResource( 100 ), SubResource( 108 ), SubResource( 110 ), SubResource( 112 ), SubResource( 113 ), SubResource( 115 ), SubResource( 120 ), SubResource( 123 ), SubResource( 132 ) ]
@ -1087,40 +1087,22 @@ const Commons = preload("res://addons/mat_maker_gd/nodes/common/commons.gd")
#Creates a tileable version of its input image by moving different parts around to hide seams.
# "inputs": [
# {
# "default": "vec4(1.0)",
# "function": true,
# "label": "",
# "longdesc": "The image to be made tileable",
# "name": "in",
# "shortdesc": "Input",
# "type": "rgba"
#vec4 make_tileable_$(name)(vec2 uv, float w) {
# vec4 a = $in(uv);
# vec4 b = $in(fract(uv+vec2(0.5)));
# float coef_ab = sin(1.57079632679*clamp((length(uv-vec2(0.5))-0.5+w)/w, 0.0, 1.0));
# vec4 c = $in(fract(uv+vec2(0.25)));
# float coef_abc = sin(1.57079632679*clamp((min(min(length(uv-vec2(0.0, 0.5)), length(uv-vec2(0.5, 0.0))), min(length(uv-vec2(1.0, 0.5)), length(uv-vec2(0.5, 1.0))))-w)/w, 0.0, 1.0));
# return mix(c, mix(a, b, coef_ab), coef_abc);
# ],
# "instance": "vec4 make_tileable_$(name)(vec2 uv, float w) {\n\tvec4 a = $in(uv);\n\tvec4 b = $in(fract(uv+vec2(0.5)));\n\tfloat coef_ab = sin(1.57079632679*clamp((length(uv-vec2(0.5))-0.5+w)/w, 0.0, 1.0));\n\tvec4 c = $in(fract(uv+vec2(0.25)));\n\tfloat coef_abc = sin(1.57079632679*clamp((min(min(length(uv-vec2(0.0, 0.5)), length(uv-vec2(0.5, 0.0))), min(length(uv-vec2(1.0, 0.5)), length(uv-vec2(0.5, 1.0))))-w)/w, 0.0, 1.0));\n\treturn mix(c, mix(a, b, coef_ab), coef_abc);\n}\n",
# "outputs": [
# {
# "longdesc": "A tileable version of the input image",
# "rgba": "make_tileable_$(name)($uv, 0.5*$w)",
# "shortdesc": "Output",
# "type": "rgba"
# }
# ],
# "parameters": [
# {
# "control": "None",
# "default": 0.1,
# "label": "",
# "longdesc": "Width of the transition areas between parts of the input image",
# "max": 0.25,
# "min": 0,
# "name": "w",
# "shortdesc": "Width",
# "step": 0.01,
# "type": "float"
# }
# ]
#input, rgba, default: vec4(1.0)
#width, float, min:0, max: 1: default: 0.1, step: 0.01
#output (rgba)
#make_tileable_$(name)($uv, 0.5*$w)
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ func _init_properties():
if !input:
input = MMNodeUniversalProperty.new()
input.default_type = MMNodeUniversalProperty.MMNodeUniversalPropertyDefaultType.DEFAULT_TYPE_COLOR
input.input_slot_type = MMNodeUniversalProperty.SlotTypes.SLOT_TYPE_UNIVERSAL
input.slot_name = ">>> Input1 "
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
extends MMNode
const Commons = preload("res://addons/mat_maker_gd/nodes/common/commons.gd")
var Filter = preload("res://addons/mat_maker_gd/nodes/common/filter.gd")
export(Resource) var image : Resource
export(Resource) var input : Resource
export(float) var width : float = 0.1
var size : int = 0
func _init_properties():
if !image:
image = MMNodeUniversalProperty.new()
image.default_type = MMNodeUniversalProperty.MMNodeUniversalPropertyDefaultType.DEFAULT_TYPE_IMAGE
image.output_slot_type = MMNodeUniversalProperty.SlotTypes.SLOT_TYPE_IMAGE
if !input:
input = MMNodeUniversalProperty.new()
input.default_type = MMNodeUniversalProperty.MMNodeUniversalPropertyDefaultType.DEFAULT_TYPE_COLOR
input.input_slot_type = MMNodeUniversalProperty.SlotTypes.SLOT_TYPE_UNIVERSAL
input.slot_name = ">>> Input1 "
func _register_methods(mm_graph_node) -> void:
mm_graph_node.add_slot_float("get_width", "set_width", "Width", 0.01)
func _render(material) -> void:
size = max(material.image_size.x, material.image_size.y)
var img : Image = render_image(material)
func get_value_for(uv : Vector2, pseed : int) -> Color:
#make_tileable_$(name)($uv, 0.5*$w)
return make_tileable(uv, 0.5 * width)
func get_width() -> float:
return width
func set_width(val : float) -> void:
width = val
#vec4 make_tileable_$(name)(vec2 uv, float w) {
# vec4 a = $in(uv);
# vec4 b = $in(fract(uv+vec2(0.5)));
# float coef_ab = sin(1.57079632679*clamp((length(uv-vec2(0.5))-0.5+w)/w, 0.0, 1.0));
# vec4 c = $in(fract(uv+vec2(0.25)));
# float coef_abc = sin(1.57079632679*clamp((min(min(length(uv-vec2(0.0, 0.5)), length(uv-vec2(0.5, 0.0))), min(length(uv-vec2(1.0, 0.5)), length(uv-vec2(0.5, 1.0))))-w)/w, 0.0, 1.0));
# return mix(c, mix(a, b, coef_ab), coef_abc);
func make_tileable(uv : Vector2, w : float) -> Color:
var a: Color = input.get_value(uv);
var b : Color = input.get_value(Commons.fractv2(uv + Vector2(0.5, 0.5)));
var coef_ab : float = sin(1.57079632679 * clamp(((uv - Vector2(0.5, 0.5)).length() - 0.5 + w) / w, 0.0, 1.0));
var c: Color = input.get_value(Commons.fractv2(uv + Vector2(0.25, 0.25)));
var coef_abc : float = sin(1.57079632679 * clamp((min(min((uv - Vector2(0.0, 0.5)).length(), (uv - Vector2(0.5, 0.0)).length()), min((uv- Vector2(1.0, 0.5)).length(), (uv - Vector2(0.5, 1.0)).length())) - w) / w, 0.0, 1.0));
return lerp(c, lerp(a, b, coef_ab), coef_abc)
Reference in New Issue
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