diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index ed2a0a2..9e54ed1 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -80,20 +80,20 @@ A curated list of [free/libre](https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html) game ### Text tutorials -- [**Official Getting Started Guide**](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/index.html) -- [Getting Started with Godot by devga.me](https://devga.me/tutorials/godot2d/) - A step-by-step introduction to Godot. -- [Godot Multiplayer Tutorials](https://gitlab.com/menip/godot-multiplayer-tutorials) - Tutorials for creating a client-server multiplayer game. Includes a tutorial for hosting a server on Google Compute Platform. +- [**Official Getting Started Guide**](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/index.html) (Godot 2.1, 3.0, 3.1) +- [Getting Started with Godot by devga.me](https://devga.me/tutorials/godot2d/) - A step-by-step introduction (Godot 3.1). +- [Godot Multiplayer Tutorials](https://gitlab.com/menip/godot-multiplayer-tutorials) - Tutorials for creating a client-server multiplayer game. Includes a tutorial for hosting a server on Google Compute Platform (Godot 3.1). ### Video tutorials -- [Bastiaan Olij's channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrbLJYzJjDf2p-vJC011lYw) - Tutorials about 3D, shaders, VR and GDNative. -- [BornCG's *Creating a Simple 3D Game*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeCrE-ge8xM&list=PLda3VoSoc_TSBBOBYwcmlamF1UrjVtccZ) - Tutorial series about creating a 3D game. -- [Code with Tom](https://www.youtube.com/codewithtom) - Learn to code by making games. -- [From GM:S to Godot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLjguIl4_OU&list=PLQsiR7DILTcxma-doUnpoALIX001NvcP_) -- [GDquest](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxboW7x0jZqFdvMdCFKTMsQ) - Tutorials about 2D and 3D game development. -- [KidsCanCode channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNaPQ5uLX5iIEHUCLmfAgKg) - Tutorials about 2D and 3D game development. -- [Making programs with Godot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nk0YQGb08IA&list=PLQsiR7DILTczMLsN8qmMym7pYfJXynzK0) -- [Miziziziz's channel](https://www.youtube.com/user/Miziziziz) - Tutorials about 3D effects and replicating concepts from well-known games. +- [Bastiaan Olij's channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrbLJYzJjDf2p-vJC011lYw) - Tutorials about 3D, shaders, VR and GDNative (Godot 3.x). +- [BornCG's *Creating a Simple 3D Game*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeCrE-ge8xM&list=PLda3VoSoc_TSBBOBYwcmlamF1UrjVtccZ) - Tutorial series about creating a 3D game (Godot 3.1). +- [Code with Tom](https://www.youtube.com/codewithtom) - Learn to code by making games (Godot 3.1). +- [From GM:S to Godot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLjguIl4_OU&list=PLQsiR7DILTcxma-doUnpoALIX001NvcP_) (Godot 3.0) +- [GDquest](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxboW7x0jZqFdvMdCFKTMsQ) - Tutorials about 2D and 3D game development (Godot 2.1, 3.x). +- [KidsCanCode channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNaPQ5uLX5iIEHUCLmfAgKg) - Tutorials about 2D and 3D game development (Godot 2.1). +- [Making programs with Godot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nk0YQGb08IA&list=PLQsiR7DILTczMLsN8qmMym7pYfJXynzK0) (Godot 3.1) +- [Miziziziz's channel](https://www.youtube.com/user/Miziziziz) - Tutorials about 3D effects and replicating concepts from well-known games (Godot 3.0). ## Themes @@ -125,31 +125,31 @@ A curated list of [free/libre](https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html) game *Scripts that let you do new stuff, or enhance Godot functionality.* -- [Auto Tile Layer](https://github.com/leezh/autotile) - Allows automatic 2D tiling using RPG Maker's Autotile format. +- [Auto Tile Layer](https://github.com/leezh/autotile) - Allows automatic 2D tiling using RPG Maker's Autotile format (Godot 2.1). - [Camera2D Screen Shake](https://godotengine.org/qa/438/camera2d-screen-shake-extension) - Screen shake effect for Camera2D. -- [CRT Shader](https://github.com/henriquelalves/SimpleGodotCRTShader) - Godot shader that simulates CRT displays. +- [CRT Shader](https://github.com/henriquelalves/SimpleGodotCRTShader) - Godot shader that simulates CRT displays (Godot 2.1, 3.1). - [Easing Script](https://github.com/impmja/godot-easing) - A port of the Robert Penner's equations for easing. -- [Escoria](https://github.com/godotengine/escoria) - Point & click adventure game framework. -- [FMOD GDNative](https://github.com/utopia-rise/fmod-gdnative) - Plugin to use the FMOD audio engine in GDScript. +- [Escoria](https://github.com/godotengine/escoria) - Point & click adventure game framework (Godot 2.1, 3.1). +- [FMOD GDNative](https://github.com/utopia-rise/fmod-gdnative) - Plugin to use the FMOD audio engine in GDScript (Godot 3.1) - [FontAwesome](https://github.com/GodotExplorer/FontAwesome) - Font Awesome plugin for Godot. -- [gdstats](https://github.com/droxmusic/gdstats/) - A library of pseudorandom number generators for common statistical distributions. +- [gdstats](https://github.com/droxmusic/gdstats/) - A library of pseudorandom number generators for common statistical distributions (Godot 3.0). - [gdutils](https://github.com/GodotExplorer/gdutils) - Utilities for Godot written in GDScript. -- [godotccd](https://github.com/TheSHEEEP/godotccd) - Fast 3D collision checks in Godot using libccd. -- [GodotPhoenixChannels](https://github.com/alfredbaudisch/GodotPhoenixChannels) - A GDScript and Godot Engine implementation for the Channels API of the Phoenix Framework. -- [Godot NExt](https://github.com/willnationsdev/godot-next) - A set of basic node extensions for Godot. -- [GodotNotificationCenter](https://github.com/didier-v/GodotNotificationCenter) - A notification center for Godot. -- [GodotTIE](https://github.com/henriquelalves/GodotTIE) - Text Interface Engine to control text output (like in a RPG dialogue). -- [Grass Plugin](https://github.com/marcosbitetti/grass_plugin_4_godot) - A plugin to handle huge amounts of grass, foliages and other vegetations. -- [gterm](https://github.com/TeddyDD/gterm) - GUI control that draws something similar to \*nix terminal emulators. -- [GUT](https://github.com/bitwes/Gut) - Utility for writing unit tests in GDScript. +- [godotccd](https://github.com/TheSHEEEP/godotccd) - Fast 3D collision checks in Godot using libccd (Godot 3.1). +- [GodotPhoenixChannels](https://github.com/alfredbaudisch/GodotPhoenixChannels) - A GDScript and Godot Engine implementation for the Channels API of the Phoenix Framework (Godot 3.1). +- [Godot NExt](https://github.com/willnationsdev/godot-next) - A set of basic node extensions (Godot 3.1). +- [GodotNotificationCenter](https://github.com/didier-v/GodotNotificationCenter) - A notification center (Godot 1.1, 2.1, 3.1). +- [GodotTIE](https://github.com/henriquelalves/GodotTIE) - Text Interface Engine to control text output (like in a RPG dialogue) (Godot 2.x, 3.x). +- [Grass Plugin](https://github.com/marcosbitetti/grass_plugin_4_godot) - A plugin to handle huge amounts of grass, foliages and other vegetations (Godot 2.1). +- [gterm](https://github.com/TeddyDD/gterm) - GUI control that draws something similar to \*nix terminal emulators (Godot 2.1). +- [GUT](https://github.com/bitwes/Gut) - Utility for writing unit tests in GDScript (Godot 3.x). - [Polygon Merge](https://github.com/ScyDev/Godot-Scripts) - Merge polygons. - [Simplex 2D/3D](https://github.com/OvermindDL1/Godot-Helpers) - Simplex deterministic noise functions. -- [Scrolling Background](https://github.com/dploeger/godot-scrollingbackground) - A scrolling background node for Godot. -- [SMRT-Godot](https://github.com/brunosxs/SMRT-Godot) - A dialog system and editor fairly customizable, a nice fit for story-driven games. -- [SUTjoystick](https://gitlab.com/shine-upon-thee/joystick) - Easy gamepad support for GNU/Linux and Windows. -- [Tiled importer](https://github.com/vnen/godot-tiled-importer) - Import maps from [Tiled](https://www.mapeditor.org/). +- [Scrolling Background](https://github.com/dploeger/godot-scrollingbackground) - A scrolling background node (Godot 2.1). +- [SMRT-Godot](https://github.com/brunosxs/SMRT-Godot) - A dialog system and editor fairly customizable, a nice fit for story-driven games (Godot 3.0). +- [SUTjoystick](https://gitlab.com/shine-upon-thee/joystick) - Easy gamepad support for GNU/Linux and Windows (Godot 2.1). +- [Tiled importer](https://github.com/vnen/godot-tiled-importer) - Import maps from [Tiled](https://www.mapeditor.org/) (Godot 1.x, 2.x, 3.0). - [Tileset Builder](https://gist.github.com/Calinou/27e979ab0a35500c3381) - Build tilesets. -- [TileSet Builder](https://github.com/HeavenMercy/TileSet-Builder-Godot-Plugin) - Quickly build tilesets with style. +- [TileSet Builder](https://github.com/HeavenMercy/TileSet-Builder-Godot-Plugin) - Quickly build tilesets with style (Godot 2.x). ## GDScript editor support