Relintai 41f9d54467 -Added druid gear up to Sunwell, it will be split, because I've hit a hard limit of some stats.
-Added some lock, paladin, priest, warrior gear.
-Rogue Gear is done up to MC, Maybe BWL.
-Mage gear has been modified, it will need tweaking, but it's made up to AQ40 (it's included).
-More instancehacks.
-More spells disabled. (Up to Black Temple Supremus)
-Added in all the BC quests, normal 5 mans, heroic 5 mans, all the raids. (Magtheridon cannot be soloed, he won't even get to attack, so that q is removed)
-Added in TBC gearvendors, they are spawned in up to around BT (BT not included).
-Some little changes I don't remember.
2014-12-15 16:31:36 +01:00

38 lines
1.1 KiB

-- Remove the bugged gates here with sql
-- removed gobject GUID: 32708, ID: 183049 (steamvault bugged door)
-- removed gobj GUID: 18539, ID 186728 (ZA Door)
-- removed gobj GUID: 47284, ID 186305 (ZA boss door)
-- Disable C'thun's script
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "" WHERE entry = 15589;
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "" WHERE entry = 15727;
-- Disable Chromaggus's script
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "" WHERE entry = 14020;
-- Delete Lord Victor Nefarius
DELETE FROM creature WHERE (id = 10162 AND = 469);
-- Spawn in the dragon Nefarian
DELETE FROM creature WHERE id = 11583;
INSERT INTO creature VALUES(default, -- guid
11583, -- id
469, 0, 0, -- map, zone, area
1, 1, -- spawnMask, PhaseMask
0, 0, -- modelid, equipmentId
-7542.37, -1271.95, 476.799, 1.23349, -- x, y, z, orientation
300, 0, 0, -- spawntimesecs, spawndist, currWaypoint
2165150, 0, -- currhealth, currmana
0, -- movementtype
0, 0, 0, -- npcflag, unit_flags, dynamicflags
0 -- verifiedbuild
-- delete c'thun from creature
DELETE FROM creature WHERE id = 15727;
-- Fix Emperor Vek'lor, Vek'nilash