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--- AceDBOptions-3.0 provides a universal AceConfig options screen for managing AceDB-3.0 profiles.
-- @class file
-- @name AceDBOptions-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceDBOptions-3.0.lua 938 2010-06-13 07:21:38Z nevcairiel $
local ACEDBO_MAJOR, ACEDBO_MINOR = "AceDBOptions-3.0", 12
local AceDBOptions, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(ACEDBO_MAJOR, ACEDBO_MINOR)
if not AceDBOptions then return end -- No upgrade needed
-- Lua APIs
local pairs, next = pairs, next
-- WoW APIs
local UnitClass = UnitClass
-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
AceDBOptions.optionTables = AceDBOptions.optionTables or {}
AceDBOptions.handlers = AceDBOptions.handlers or {}
Localization of AceDBOptions-3.0
local L = {
default = "Default",
intro = "You can change the active database profile, so you can have different settings for every character.",
reset_desc = "Reset the current profile back to its default values, in case your configuration is broken, or you simply want to start over.",
reset = "Reset Profile",
reset_sub = "Reset the current profile to the default",
choose_desc = "You can either create a new profile by entering a name in the editbox, or choose one of the already existing profiles.",
new = "New",
new_sub = "Create a new empty profile.",
choose = "Existing Profiles",
choose_sub = "Select one of your currently available profiles.",
copy_desc = "Copy the settings from one existing profile into the currently active profile.",
copy = "Copy From",
delete_desc = "Delete existing and unused profiles from the database to save space, and cleanup the SavedVariables file.",
delete = "Delete a Profile",
delete_sub = "Deletes a profile from the database.",
delete_confirm = "Are you sure you want to delete the selected profile?",
profiles = "Profiles",
profiles_sub = "Manage Profiles",
current = "Current Profile:",
local LOCALE = GetLocale()
if LOCALE == "deDE" then
L["default"] = "Standard"
L["intro"] = "Hier kannst du das aktive Datenbankprofile \195\164ndern, damit du verschiedene Einstellungen f\195\188r jeden Charakter erstellen kannst, wodurch eine sehr flexible Konfiguration m\195\182glich wird."
L["reset_desc"] = "Setzt das momentane Profil auf Standardwerte zur\195\188ck, f\195\188r den Fall das mit der Konfiguration etwas schief lief oder weil du einfach neu starten willst."
L["reset"] = "Profil zur\195\188cksetzen"
L["reset_sub"] = "Das aktuelle Profil auf Standard zur\195\188cksetzen."
L["choose_desc"] = "Du kannst ein neues Profil erstellen, indem du einen neuen Namen in der Eingabebox 'Neu' eingibst, oder w\195\164hle eines der vorhandenen Profile aus."
L["new"] = "Neu"
L["new_sub"] = "Ein neues Profil erstellen."
L["choose"] = "Vorhandene Profile"
L["choose_sub"] = "W\195\164hlt ein bereits vorhandenes Profil aus."
L["copy_desc"] = "Kopiere die Einstellungen von einem vorhandenen Profil in das aktive Profil."
L["copy"] = "Kopieren von..."
L["delete_desc"] = "L\195\182sche vorhandene oder unbenutzte Profile aus der Datenbank um Platz zu sparen und um die SavedVariables Datei 'sauber' zu halten."
L["delete"] = "Profil l\195\182schen"
L["delete_sub"] = "L\195\182scht ein Profil aus der Datenbank."
L["delete_confirm"] = "Willst du das ausgew\195\164hlte Profil wirklich l\195\182schen?"
L["profiles"] = "Profile"
L["profiles_sub"] = "Profile verwalten"
--L["current"] = "Current Profile:"
elseif LOCALE == "frFR" then
L["default"] = "D\195\169faut"
L["intro"] = "Vous pouvez changer le profil actuel afin d'avoir des param\195\168tres diff\195\169rents pour chaque personnage, permettant ainsi d'avoir une configuration tr\195\168s flexible."
L["reset_desc"] = "R\195\169initialise le profil actuel au cas o\195\185 votre configuration est corrompue ou si vous voulez tout simplement faire table rase."
L["reset"] = "R\195\169initialiser le profil"
L["reset_sub"] = "R\195\169initialise le profil actuel avec les param\195\168tres par d\195\169faut."
L["choose_desc"] = "Vous pouvez cr\195\169er un nouveau profil en entrant un nouveau nom dans la bo\195\174te de saisie, ou en choississant un des profils d\195\169j\195\160 existants."
L["new"] = "Nouveau"
L["new_sub"] = "Cr\195\169\195\169e un nouveau profil vierge."
L["choose"] = "Profils existants"
L["choose_sub"] = "Permet de choisir un des profils d\195\169j\195\160 disponibles."
L["copy_desc"] = "Copie les param\195\168tres d'un profil d\195\169j\195\160 existant dans le profil actuellement actif."
L["copy"] = "Copier \195\160 partir de"
L["delete_desc"] = "Supprime les profils existants inutilis\195\169s de la base de donn\195\169es afin de gagner de la place et de nettoyer le fichier SavedVariables."
L["delete"] = "Supprimer un profil"
L["delete_sub"] = "Supprime un profil de la base de donn\195\169es."
L["delete_confirm"] = "Etes-vous s\195\187r de vouloir supprimer le profil s\195\169lectionn\195\169 ?"
L["profiles"] = "Profils"
L["profiles_sub"] = "Gestion des profils"
--L["current"] = "Current Profile:"
elseif LOCALE == "koKR" then
L["default"] = "기본값"
L["intro"] = "모든 캐릭터의 다양한 설정과 사용중인 데이터베이스 프로필, 어느것이던지 매우 다루기 쉽게 바꿀수 있습니다."
L["reset_desc"] = "단순히 다시 새롭게 구성을 원하는 경우, 현재 프로필을 기본값으로 초기화 합니다."
L["reset"] = "프로필 초기화"
L["reset_sub"] = "현재의 프로필을 기본값으로 초기화 합니다"
L["choose_desc"] = "새로운 이름을 입력하거나, 이미 있는 프로필중 하나를 선택하여 새로운 프로필을 만들 수 있습니다."
L["new"] = "새로운 프로필"
L["new_sub"] = "새로운 프로필을 만듭니다."
L["choose"] = "프로필 선택"
L["choose_sub"] = "당신이 현재 이용할수 있는 프로필을 선택합니다."
L["copy_desc"] = "현재 사용중인 프로필에, 선택한 프로필의 설정을 복사합니다."
L["copy"] = "복사"
L["delete_desc"] = "데이터베이스에 사용중이거나 저장된 프로파일 삭제로 SavedVariables 파일의 정리와 공간 절약이 됩니다."
L["delete"] = "프로필 삭제"
L["delete_sub"] = "데이터베이스의 프로필을 삭제합니다."
L["delete_confirm"] = "정말로 선택한 프로필의 삭제를 원하십니까?"
L["profiles"] = "프로필"
L["profiles_sub"] = "프로필 설정"
--L["current"] = "Current Profile:"
elseif LOCALE == "esES" or LOCALE == "esMX" then
L["default"] = "Por defecto"
L["intro"] = "Puedes cambiar el perfil activo de tal manera que cada personaje tenga diferentes configuraciones."
L["reset_desc"] = "Reinicia el perfil actual a los valores por defectos, en caso de que se haya estropeado la configuración o quieras volver a empezar de nuevo."
L["reset"] = "Reiniciar Perfil"
L["reset_sub"] = "Reinicar el perfil actual al de por defecto"
L["choose_desc"] = "Puedes crear un nuevo perfil introduciendo un nombre en el recuadro o puedes seleccionar un perfil de los ya existentes."
L["new"] = "Nuevo"
L["new_sub"] = "Crear un nuevo perfil vacio."
L["choose"] = "Perfiles existentes"
L["choose_sub"] = "Selecciona uno de los perfiles disponibles."
L["copy_desc"] = "Copia los ajustes de un perfil existente al perfil actual."
L["copy"] = "Copiar de"
L["delete_desc"] = "Borra los perfiles existentes y sin uso de la base de datos para ganar espacio y limpiar el archivo SavedVariables."
L["delete"] = "Borrar un Perfil"
L["delete_sub"] = "Borra un perfil de la base de datos."
L["delete_confirm"] = "¿Estas seguro que quieres borrar el perfil seleccionado?"
L["profiles"] = "Perfiles"
L["profiles_sub"] = "Manejar Perfiles"
--L["current"] = "Current Profile:"
elseif LOCALE == "zhTW" then
L["default"] = "預設"
L["intro"] = "你可以選擇一個活動的資料設定檔,這樣你的每個角色就可以擁有不同的設定值,可以給你的插件設定帶來極大的靈活性。"
L["reset_desc"] = "將當前的設定檔恢復到它的預設值,用於你的設定檔損壞,或者你只是想重來的情況。"
L["reset"] = "重置設定檔"
L["reset_sub"] = "將當前的設定檔恢復為預設值"
L["choose_desc"] = "你可以通過在文本框內輸入一個名字創立一個新的設定檔,也可以選擇一個已經存在的設定檔。"
L["new"] = "新建"
L["new_sub"] = "新建一個空的設定檔。"
L["choose"] = "現有的設定檔"
L["choose_sub"] = "從當前可用的設定檔裏面選擇一個。"
L["copy_desc"] = "從當前某個已保存的設定檔複製到當前正使用的設定檔。"
L["copy"] = "複製自"
L["delete_desc"] = "從資料庫裏刪除不再使用的設定檔以節省空間並且清理SavedVariables檔。"
L["delete"] = "刪除一個設定檔"
L["delete_sub"] = "從資料庫裏刪除一個設定檔。"
L["delete_confirm"] = "你確定要刪除所選擇的設定檔嗎?"
L["profiles"] = "設定檔"
L["profiles_sub"] = "管理設定檔"
--L["current"] = "Current Profile:"
elseif LOCALE == "zhCN" then
L["default"] = "默认"
L["intro"] = "你可以选择一个活动的数据配置文件,这样你的每个角色就可以拥有不同的设置值,可以给你的插件配置带来极大的灵活性。"
L["reset_desc"] = "将当前的配置文件恢复到它的默认值,用于你的配置文件损坏,或者你只是想重来的情况。"
L["reset"] = "重置配置文件"
L["reset_sub"] = "将当前的配置文件恢复为默认值"
L["choose_desc"] = "你可以通过在文本框内输入一个名字创立一个新的配置文件,也可以选择一个已经存在的配置文件。"
L["new"] = "新建"
L["new_sub"] = "新建一个空的配置文件。"
L["choose"] = "现有的配置文件"
L["choose_sub"] = "从当前可用的配置文件里面选择一个。"
L["copy_desc"] = "从当前某个已保存的配置文件复制到当前正使用的配置文件。"
L["copy"] = "复制自"
L["delete_desc"] = "从数据库里删除不再使用的配置文件以节省空间并且清理SavedVariables文件。"
L["delete"] = "删除一个配置文件"
L["delete_sub"] = "从数据库里删除一个配置文件。"
L["delete_confirm"] = "你确定要删除所选择的配置文件么?"
L["profiles"] = "配置文件"
L["profiles_sub"] = "管理配置文件"
--L["current"] = "Current Profile:"
elseif LOCALE == "ruRU" then
L["default"] = "По умолчанию"
L["intro"] = "Изменяя активный профиль, вы можете задать различные настройки модификаций для каждого персонажа."
L["reset_desc"] = "Если ваша конфигурации испорчена или если вы хотите настроить всё заново - сбросьте текущий профиль на стандартные значения."
L["reset"] = "Сброс профиля"
L["reset_sub"] = "Сброс текущего профиля на стандартный"
L["choose_desc"] = "Вы можете создать новый профиль, введя название в поле ввода, или выбрать один из уже существующих профилей."
L["new"] = "Новый"
L["new_sub"] = "Создать новый чистый профиль"
L["choose"] = "Существующие профили"
L["choose_sub"] = "Выбор одиного из уже доступных профилей"
L["copy_desc"] = "Скопировать настройки из выбранного профиля в активный."
L["copy"] = "Скопировать из"
L["delete_desc"] = "Удалить существующий и неиспользуемый профиль из БД для сохранения места, и очистить SavedVariables файл."
L["delete"] = "Удалить профиль"
L["delete_sub"] = "Удаление профиля из БД"
L["delete_confirm"] = "Вы уверены, что вы хотите удалить выбранный профиль?"
L["profiles"] = "Профили"
L["profiles_sub"] = "Управление профилями"
--L["current"] = "Current Profile:"
local defaultProfiles
local tmpprofiles = {}
-- Get a list of available profiles for the specified database.
-- You can specify which profiles to include/exclude in the list using the two boolean parameters listed below.
-- @param db The db object to retrieve the profiles from
-- @param common If true, getProfileList will add the default profiles to the return list, even if they have not been created yet
-- @param nocurrent If true, then getProfileList will not display the current profile in the list
-- @return Hashtable of all profiles with the internal name as keys and the display name as value.
local function getProfileList(db, common, nocurrent)
local profiles = {}
-- copy existing profiles into the table
local currentProfile = db:GetCurrentProfile()
for i,v in pairs(db:GetProfiles(tmpprofiles)) do
if not (nocurrent and v == currentProfile) then
profiles[v] = v
-- add our default profiles to choose from ( or rename existing profiles)
for k,v in pairs(defaultProfiles) do
if (common or profiles[k]) and not (nocurrent and k == currentProfile) then
profiles[k] = v
return profiles
prototype class for handling the options in a sane way
local OptionsHandlerPrototype = {}
--[[ Reset the profile ]]
function OptionsHandlerPrototype:Reset()
--[[ Set the profile to value ]]
function OptionsHandlerPrototype:SetProfile(info, value)
--[[ returns the currently active profile ]]
function OptionsHandlerPrototype:GetCurrentProfile()
return self.db:GetCurrentProfile()
List all active profiles
you can control the output with the .arg variable
currently four modes are supported
(empty) - return all available profiles
"nocurrent" - returns all available profiles except the currently active profile
"common" - returns all avaialble profiles + some commonly used profiles ("char - realm", "realm", "class", "Default")
"both" - common except the active profile
function OptionsHandlerPrototype:ListProfiles(info)
local arg = info.arg
local profiles
if arg == "common" and not self.noDefaultProfiles then
profiles = getProfileList(self.db, true, nil)
elseif arg == "nocurrent" then
profiles = getProfileList(self.db, nil, true)
elseif arg == "both" then -- currently not used
profiles = getProfileList(self.db, (not self.noDefaultProfiles) and true, true)
profiles = getProfileList(self.db)
return profiles
function OptionsHandlerPrototype:HasNoProfiles(info)
local profiles = self:ListProfiles(info)
return ((not next(profiles)) and true or false)
--[[ Copy a profile ]]
function OptionsHandlerPrototype:CopyProfile(info, value)
--[[ Delete a profile from the db ]]
function OptionsHandlerPrototype:DeleteProfile(info, value)
--[[ fill defaultProfiles with some generic values ]]
local function generateDefaultProfiles(db)
defaultProfiles = {
["Default"] = L["default"],
[db.keys.char] = db.keys.char,
[db.keys.realm] = db.keys.realm,
[db.keys.class] = UnitClass("player")
--[[ create and return a handler object for the db, or upgrade it if it already existed ]]
local function getOptionsHandler(db, noDefaultProfiles)
if not defaultProfiles then
local handler = AceDBOptions.handlers[db] or { db = db, noDefaultProfiles = noDefaultProfiles }
for k,v in pairs(OptionsHandlerPrototype) do
handler[k] = v
AceDBOptions.handlers[db] = handler
return handler
the real options table
local optionsTable = {
desc = {
order = 1,
type = "description",
name = L["intro"] .. "\n",
descreset = {
order = 9,
type = "description",
name = L["reset_desc"],
reset = {
order = 10,
type = "execute",
name = L["reset"],
desc = L["reset_sub"],
func = "Reset",
current = {
order = 11,
type = "description",
name = function(info) return L["current"] .. " " .. NORMAL_FONT_COLOR_CODE .. info.handler:GetCurrentProfile() .. FONT_COLOR_CODE_CLOSE end,
width = "default",
choosedesc = {
order = 20,
type = "description",
name = "\n" .. L["choose_desc"],
new = {
name = L["new"],
desc = L["new_sub"],
type = "input",
order = 30,
get = false,
set = "SetProfile",
choose = {
name = L["choose"],
desc = L["choose_sub"],
type = "select",
order = 40,
get = "GetCurrentProfile",
set = "SetProfile",
values = "ListProfiles",
arg = "common",
copydesc = {
order = 50,
type = "description",
name = "\n" .. L["copy_desc"],
copyfrom = {
order = 60,
type = "select",
name = L["copy"],
desc = L["copy_desc"],
get = false,
set = "CopyProfile",
values = "ListProfiles",
disabled = "HasNoProfiles",
arg = "nocurrent",
deldesc = {
order = 70,
type = "description",
name = "\n" .. L["delete_desc"],
delete = {
order = 80,
type = "select",
name = L["delete"],
desc = L["delete_sub"],
get = false,
set = "DeleteProfile",
values = "ListProfiles",
disabled = "HasNoProfiles",
arg = "nocurrent",
confirm = true,
confirmText = L["delete_confirm"],
--- Get/Create a option table that you can use in your addon to control the profiles of AceDB-3.0.
-- @param db The database object to create the options table for.
-- @return The options table to be used in AceConfig-3.0
-- @usage
-- -- Assuming `options` is your top-level options table and `self.db` is your database:
-- options.args.profiles = LibStub("AceDBOptions-3.0"):GetOptionsTable(self.db)
function AceDBOptions:GetOptionsTable(db, noDefaultProfiles)
local tbl = AceDBOptions.optionTables[db] or {
type = "group",
name = L["profiles"],
desc = L["profiles_sub"],
tbl.handler = getOptionsHandler(db, noDefaultProfiles)
tbl.args = optionsTable
AceDBOptions.optionTables[db] = tbl
return tbl
-- upgrade existing tables
for db,tbl in pairs(AceDBOptions.optionTables) do
tbl.handler = getOptionsHandler(db)
tbl.args = optionsTable