local major = "DRData-1.0" local minor = 1003 assert(LibStub, string.format("%s requires LibStub.", major)) local Data = LibStub:NewLibrary(major, minor) if( not Data ) then return end local L = { ["Banish"] = "Banish", ["Charge"] = "Charge", ["Cheap Shot"] = "Cheap Shot", ["Controlled stuns"] = "Controlled stuns", ["Cyclone"] = "Cyclone", ["Disarms"] = "Disarms", ["Disorients"] = "Disorients", ["Entrapment"] = "Entrapment", ["Fears"] = "Fears", ["Horrors"] = "Horrors", ["Mind Control"] = "Mind Control", ["Random roots"] = "Random roots", ["Random stuns"] = "Random stuns", ["Controlled roots"] = "Controlled roots", ["Scatter Shot"] = "Scatter Shot", ["Silences"] = "Silences", ["Hibernate"] = "Hibernate", ["Taunts"] = "Taunts", } if GetLocale() == "frFR" then L["Banish"] = "Bannissement" L["Charge"] = "Charge" L["Cheap Shot"] = "Coup bas" L["Controlled stuns"] = "Etourdissements contrôlés" L["Cyclone"] = "Cyclone" L["Disarms"] = "Désarmements" L["Disorients"] = "Désorientations" L["Entrapment"] = "Piège" L["Fears"] = "Peurs" L["Horrors"] = "Horreurs" L["Mind Control"] = "Contrôle mental" L["Random roots"] = "Immobilisations aléatoires" L["Random stuns"] = "Etourdissemensts aléatoires" L["Controlled roots"] = "Immobilisations contrôlées" L["Scatter Shot"] = "Flèche de dispersion" L["Silences"] = "Silences" L["Hibernate"] = "Hibernation" L["Taunts"] = "Provocations" end -- How long before DR resets -- While everyone will tell you it's 15 seconds, it's actually 16 - 20 seconds with 18 being a decent enough average Data.RESET_TIME = 18 -- List of spellID -> DR category Data.spells = { --[[ TAUNT ]]-- -- Taunt (Warrior) [355] = "taunt", -- Taunt (Pet) [53477] = "taunt", -- Mocking Blow [694] = "taunt", -- Growl (Druid) [6795] = "taunt", -- Dark Command [56222] = "taunt", -- Hand of Reckoning [62124] = "taunt", -- Righteous Defense [31790] = "taunt", -- Distracting Shot [20736] = "taunt", -- Challenging Shout [1161] = "taunt", -- Challenging Roar [5209] = "taunt", -- Death Grip [49560] = "taunt", -- Challenging Howl [59671] = "taunt", -- Angered Earth [36213] = "taunt", --[[ DISORIENTS ]]-- -- Hungering Cold [49203] = "disorient", -- Sap [6770] = "disorient", [2070] = "disorient", [11297] = "disorient", [51724] = "disorient", -- Gouge [1776] = "disorient", [1777] = "disorient", [8629] = "disorient", [11285] = "disorient", [11286] = "disorient", [38764] = "disorient", -- Hex (Guessing) [51514] = "disorient", -- Shackle [9484] = "disorient", [9485] = "disorient", [10955] = "disorient", -- Polymorph [118] = "disorient", [12824] = "disorient", [12825] = "disorient", [28272] = "disorient", [28271] = "disorient", [12826] = "disorient", [61305] = "disorient", [61025] = "disorient", [61721] = "disorient", [61780] = "disorient", -- Freezing Trap [3355] = "disorient", [14308] = "disorient", [14309] = "disorient", -- Freezing Arrow [60210] = "disorient", -- Wyvern Sting [19386] = "disorient", [24132] = "disorient", [24133] = "disorient", [27068] = "disorient", [49011] = "disorient", [49012] = "disorient", -- Repentance [20066] = "disorient", --[[ SILENCES ]]-- -- Nether Shock [53588] = "silence", [53589] = "silence", -- Garrote [1330] = "silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Energy version) [25046] = "silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Mana version) [28730] = "silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Runic power version) [50613] = "silence", -- Silence [15487] = "silence", -- Silencing Shot [34490] = "silence", -- Improved Kick [18425] = "silence", -- Improved Counterspell [18469] = "silence", -- Spell Lock [19244] = "silence", [19647] = "silence", -- Shield of the Templar [63529] = "silence", -- Strangulate [47476] = "silence", [49913] = "silence", [49914] = "silence", [49915] = "silence", [49916] = "silence", -- Gag Order (Warrior talent) [18498] = "silence", --[[ DISARMS ]]-- -- Snatch [53542] = "disarm", [53543] = "disarm", -- Dismantle [51722] = "disarm", -- Disarm [676] = "disarm", -- Chimera Shot - Scorpid [53359] = "disarm", -- Psychic Horror (Disarm effect) [64058] = "disarm", --[[ FEARS ]]-- -- Blind [2094] = "fear", -- Fear (Warlock) [5782] = "fear", [6213] = "fear", [6215] = "fear", -- Seduction (Pet) [6358] = "fear", -- Howl of Terror [5484] = "fear", [17928] = "fear", -- Psychic scream [8122] = "fear", [8124] = "fear", [10888] = "fear", [10890] = "fear", -- Scare Beast [1513] = "fear", [14326] = "fear", [14327] = "fear", -- Turn Evil [10326] = "fear", -- Intimidating Shout [5246] = "fear", --[[ CONTROL STUNS ]]-- -- Intercept (Felguard) [30153] = "ctrlstun", [30195] = "ctrlstun", [30197] = "ctrlstun", [47995] = "ctrlstun", -- Ravage [50518] = "ctrlstun", [53558] = "ctrlstun", [53559] = "ctrlstun", [53560] = "ctrlstun", [53561] = "ctrlstun", [53562] = "ctrlstun", -- Sonic Blast [50519] = "ctrlstun", [53564] = "ctrlstun", [53565] = "ctrlstun", [53566] = "ctrlstun", [53567] = "ctrlstun", [53568] = "ctrlstun", -- Concussion Blow [12809] = "ctrlstun", -- Shockwave [46968] = "ctrlstun", -- Hammer of Justice [853] = "ctrlstun", [5588] = "ctrlstun", [5589] = "ctrlstun", [10308] = "ctrlstun", -- Bash [5211] = "ctrlstun", [6798] = "ctrlstun", [8983] = "ctrlstun", -- Intimidation [19577] = "ctrlstun", -- Maim [22570] = "ctrlstun", [49802] = "ctrlstun", -- Kidney Shot [408] = "ctrlstun", [8643] = "ctrlstun", -- War Stomp [20549] = "ctrlstun", -- Intercept [20252] = "ctrlstun", -- Deep Freeze [44572] = "ctrlstun", -- Shadowfury [30283] = "ctrlstun", [30413] = "ctrlstun", [30414] = "ctrlstun", -- Holy Wrath [2812] = "ctrlstun", -- Inferno Effect [22703] = "ctrlstun", -- Demon Charge [60995] = "ctrlstun", -- Gnaw (Ghoul) [47481] = "ctrlstun", --[[ RANDOM STUNS ]]-- -- Impact [12355] = "rndstun", -- Stoneclaw Stun [39796] = "rndstun", -- Seal of Justice [20170] = "rndstun", -- Revenge Stun [12798] = "rndstun", --[[ CYCLONE ]]-- -- Cyclone [33786] = "cyclone", --[[ ROOTS ]]-- -- Freeze (Water Elemental) [33395] = "ctrlroot", -- Pin (Crab) [50245] = "ctrlroot", [53544] = "ctrlroot", [53545] = "ctrlroot", [53546] = "ctrlroot", [53547] = "ctrlroot", [53548] = "ctrlroot", -- Frost Nova [122] = "ctrlroot", [865] = "ctrlroot", [6131] = "ctrlroot", [10230] = "ctrlroot", [27088] = "ctrlroot", [42917] = "ctrlroot", -- Entangling Roots [339] = "ctrlroot", [1062] = "ctrlroot", [5195] = "ctrlroot", [5196] = "ctrlroot", [9852] = "ctrlroot", [9853] = "ctrlroot", [26989] = "ctrlroot", [53308] = "ctrlroot", -- Nature's Grasp (Uses different spellIDs than Entangling Roots for the same spell) [19970] = "ctrlroot", [19971] = "ctrlroot", [19972] = "ctrlroot", [19973] = "ctrlroot", [19974] = "ctrlroot", [19975] = "ctrlroot", [27010] = "ctrlroot", [53313] = "ctrlroot", -- Earthgrab (Storm, Earth and Fire talent) [8377] = "ctrlroot", [31983] = "ctrlroot", -- Web (Spider) [4167] = "ctrlroot", -- Venom Web Spray (Silithid) [54706] = "ctrlroot", [55505] = "ctrlroot", [55506] = "ctrlroot", [55507] = "ctrlroot", [55508] = "ctrlroot", [55509] = "ctrlroot", --[[ RANDOM ROOTS ]]-- -- Improved Hamstring [23694] = "rndroot", -- Frostbite [12494] = "rndroot", -- Shattered Barrier [55080] = "rndroot", --[[ SLEEPS ]]-- -- Hibernate [2637] = "sleep", [18657] = "sleep", [18658] = "sleep", --[[ HORROR ]]-- -- Death Coil [6789] = "horror", [17925] = "horror", [17926] = "horror", [27223] = "horror", [47859] = "horror", [47860] = "horror", -- Psychic Horror [64044] = "horror", --[[ MISC ]]-- -- Dragon's Breath [31661] = "scatters", [33041] = "scatters", [33042] = "scatters", [33043] = "scatters", [42949] = "scatters", [42950] = "scatters", -- Scatter Shot [19503] = "scatters", -- Cheap Shot [1833] = "cheapshot", -- Pounce [9005] = "cheapshot", [9823] = "cheapshot", [9827] = "cheapshot", [27006] = "cheapshot", [49803] = "cheapshot", -- Charge [7922] = "charge", -- Mind Control [605] = "mc", -- Banish [710] = "banish", [18647] = "banish", -- Entrapment [64804] = "entrapment", [64804] = "entrapment", [19185] = "entrapment", } -- DR Category names Data.categoryNames = { ["banish"] = L["Banish"], ["charge"] = L["Charge"], ["cheapshot"] = L["Cheap Shot"], ["ctrlstun"] = L["Controlled stuns"], ["cyclone"] = L["Cyclone"], ["disarm"] = L["Disarms"], ["disorient"] = L["Disorients"], ["entrapment"] = L["Entrapment"], ["fear"] = L["Fears"], ["horror"] = L["Horrors"], ["mc"] = L["Mind Control"], ["rndroot"] = L["Random roots"], ["rndstun"] = L["Random stuns"], ["ctrlroot"] = L["Controlled roots"], ["scatters"] = L["Scatter Shot"], ["silence"] = L["Silences"], ["sleep"] = L["Hibernate"], ["taunt"] = L["Taunts"], } -- Categories that have DR in PvE as well as PvP Data.pveDR = { ["ctrlstun"] = true, ["rndstun"] = true, ["taunt"] = true, ["cyclone"] = true, } -- Public APIs -- Category name in something usable function Data:GetCategoryName(cat) return cat and Data.categoryNames[cat] or nil end -- Spell list function Data:GetSpells() return Data.spells end -- Seconds before DR resets function Data:GetResetTime() return Data.RESET_TIME end -- Get the category of the spellID function Data:GetSpellCategory(spellID) return spellID and Data.spells[spellID] or nil end -- Does this category DR in PvE? function Data:IsPVE(cat) return cat and Data.pveDR[cat] or nil end -- List of categories function Data:GetCategories() return Data.categoryNames end -- Next DR, if it's 1.0, next is 0.50, if it's 0.[50] = "ctrlroot",next is 0.[25] = "ctrlroot",and such function Data:NextDR(diminished) if( diminished == 1 ) then return 0.50 elseif( diminished == 0.50 ) then return 0.25 end return 0 end --[[ EXAMPLES ]]-- -- This is how you would track DR easily, you're welcome to do whatever you want with the below functions --[[ local trackedPlayers = {} local function debuffGained(spellID, destName, destGUID, isEnemy, isPlayer) -- Not a player, and this category isn't diminished in PVE, as well as make sure we want to track NPCs local drCat = DRData:GetSpellCategory(spellID) if( not isPlayer and not DRData:IsPVE(drCat) ) then return end if( not trackedPlayers[destGUID] ) then trackedPlayers[destGUID] = {} end -- See if we should reset it back to undiminished local tracked = trackedPlayers[destGUID][drCat] if( tracked and tracked.reset <= GetTime() ) then tracked.diminished = 1.0 end end local function debuffFaded(spellID, destName, destGUID, isEnemy, isPlayer) local drCat = DRData:GetSpellCategory(spellID) if( not isPlayer and not DRData:IsPVE(drCat) ) then return end if( not trackedPlayers[destGUID] ) then trackedPlayers[destGUID] = {} end if( not trackedPlayers[destGUID][drCat] ) then trackedPlayers[destGUID][drCat] = { reset = 0, diminished = 1.0 } end local time = GetTime() local tracked = trackedPlayers[destGUID][drCat] tracked.reset = time + DRData:GetResetTime() tracked.diminished = DRData:NextDR(tracked.diminished) -- Diminishing returns changed, now you can do an update end local function resetDR(destGUID) -- Reset the tracked DRs for this person if( trackedPlayers[destGUID] ) then for cat in pairs(trackedPlayers[destGUID]) do trackedPlayers[destGUID][cat].reset = 0 trackedPlayers[destGUID][cat].diminished = 1.0 end end end local COMBATLOG_OBJECT_TYPE_PLAYER = COMBATLOG_OBJECT_TYPE_PLAYER local COMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_HOSTILE = COMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_HOSTILE local COMBATLOG_OBJECT_CONTROL_PLAYER = COMBATLOG_OBJECT_CONTROL_PLAYER local eventRegistered = {["SPELL_AURA_APPLIED"] = true, ["SPELL_AURA_REFRESH"] = true, ["SPELL_AURA_REMOVED"] = true, ["PARTY_KILL"] = true, ["UNIT_DIED"] = true} local function COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED(self, event, timestamp, eventType, sourceGUID, sourceName, sourceFlags, destGUID, destName, destFlags, spellID, spellName, spellSchool, auraType) if( not eventRegistered[eventType] ) then return end -- Enemy gained a debuff if( eventType == "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED" ) then if( auraType == "DEBUFF" and DRData:GetSpellCategory(spellID) ) then local isPlayer = ( bit.band(destFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_TYPE_PLAYER) == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_TYPE_PLAYER or bit.band(destFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_CONTROL_PLAYER) == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_CONTROL_PLAYER ) debuffGained(spellID, destName, destGUID, (bit.band(destFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_HOSTILE) == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_HOSTILE), isPlayer) end -- Enemy had a debuff refreshed before it faded, so fade + gain it quickly elseif( eventType == "SPELL_AURA_REFRESH" ) then if( auraType == "DEBUFF" and DRData:GetSpellCategory(spellID) ) then local isPlayer = ( bit.band(destFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_TYPE_PLAYER) == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_TYPE_PLAYER or bit.band(destFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_CONTROL_PLAYER) == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_CONTROL_PLAYER ) local isHostile = (bit.band(destFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_HOSTILE) == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_HOSTILE) debuffFaded(spellID, destName, destGUID, isHostile, isPlayer) debuffGained(spellID, destName, destGUID, isHostile, isPlayer) end -- Buff or debuff faded from an enemy elseif( eventType == "SPELL_AURA_REMOVED" ) then if( auraType == "DEBUFF" and DRData:GetSpellCategory(spellID) ) then local isPlayer = ( bit.band(destFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_TYPE_PLAYER) == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_TYPE_PLAYER or bit.band(destFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_CONTROL_PLAYER) == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_CONTROL_PLAYER ) debuffFaded(spellID, destName, destGUID, (bit.band(destFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_HOSTILE) == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_HOSTILE), isPlayer) end -- Don't use UNIT_DIED inside arenas due to accuracy issues, outside of arenas we don't care too much elseif( ( eventType == "UNIT_DIED" and select(2, IsInInstance()) ~= "arena" ) or eventType == "PARTY_KILL" ) then resetDR(destGUID) end end]]