--"Globals" local aceDB = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"); local aceCDialog = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"); local aceConfig = LibStub("AceConfig-3.0"); local libSharedMedia = LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0"); local libDRData = LibStub('DRData-1.0'); --Utility Functions for the options function Rekt:RektDisable() self:Reset(); self:ApplySettings(); --hide the frames Rekt:HideFrames(); --self:Disable(); end function Rekt:RektEnable() --self:Enable(); self:Reset(); self:ApplySettings(); end --enable function Rekt:isEnabled() local db = Rekt.db.profile; return db["enabled"]; end function Rekt:setEnabledOrDisabled(enable) local db = Rekt.db.profile; db["enabled"] = enable; if enable then Rekt:RektEnable() else Rekt:RektDisable() end end function Rekt:isPartEnabled(which) local db = Rekt.db.profile; return db[which]["enabled"]; end function Rekt:SetPartEnabledOrDisabled(which, enable) local db = Rekt.db.profile; db[which]["enabled"] = enable; --hide all those frames if not enable then for i = 1, 23 do local frame = Rekt.frames[which][i]["frame"]; frame:Hide(); local colorframe = Rekt.fremes[which][i]["colorframe"]; colorframe:Hide(); end else self:ReassignCds(which); end end function Rekt:SetDRPartEnabledOrDisabled(which, enable) local db = Rekt.db.profile; db[which]["enabled"] = enable; --hide all those frames if not enable then for i = 1, 18 do local frame = Rekt.frames[which][i]["frame"]; frame:Hide(); end else self:ReassignDRs(which); end end function Rekt:isSpecDetectionEnabled() local db = Rekt.db.profile; return db["specdetection"]; end function Rekt:setSpecDetectionEnabledorDisabled(enable) local db = Rekt.db.profile; db["specdetection"] = enable; --call the remapcooldowns, and then update --self:ReassignCds(which); end function Rekt:getColorFrameEnabled(which) local db = Rekt.db.profile; return db[which]["colorframeenabled"]; end function Rekt:setColorFrameEnabled(which, enable) local db = Rekt.db.profile; db[which]["colorframeenabled"] = enable; --hide all those frames if not enable then for i = 1, 23 do local colorframe = Rekt.frames[which][i]["colorframe"]; colorframe:Hide(); end else self:ReassignCds(which); end end function Rekt:getCDTypeSortingEnable() local db = Rekt.db.profile; return db["cdtypesortorder"]["enabled"]; end function Rekt:setCDTypeSortingEnable(v) local db = Rekt.db.profile; db["cdtypesortorder"]["enabled"] = v; self:ReassignCds("target"); self:ReassignCds("focus"); end function Rekt:getPetCDGuessing() local db = Rekt.db.profile; return db["petcdguessing"]; end function Rekt:setPetCDGuessing(v) local db = Rekt.db.profile; db["petcdguessing"] = v; end --lock function Rekt:isLocked() return Rekt.db.profile["locked"]; end function Rekt:LockFrames() self:MoveTimersStop("target"); self:MoveTimersStop("focus"); self:MoveDRTimersStop("targetdr"); self:MoveDRTimersStop("focusdr"); self:MoveDRTimersStop("selfdr"); self:HideMovableFrames() self:ReassignCds("target"); self:ReassignCds("focus"); self:ReassignDRs("targetdr"); self:ReassignDRs("focusdr"); self:ReassignDRs("selfdr"); end function Rekt:UnlockFrames() --this will hide the frames self:ReassignCds("target"); self:ReassignCds("focus"); self:ReassignDRs("targetdr"); self:ReassignDRs("focusdr"); self:ReassignDRs("selfdr"); Rekt:ShowMovableFrames(); end function Rekt:HideMovableFrames() if not Rekt.MovableFrames then return end; --Hide them for k, v in pairs(Rekt.MovableFrames) do v["frame"]:EnableMouse(false); v["frame"]:SetMovable(false); v["frame"]:Hide(); end end function Rekt:ShowMovableFrames() local db = Rekt.db.profile; --Create them if they doesn't exists if not Rekt.MovableFrames then Rekt.MovableFrames = {} for i = 1, 6 do local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent, nil); frame:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND"); frame:SetScript("OnDragStart", function() self:MovableFrameDragStart() end) frame:SetScript("OnDragStop", function() self:MovableFrameDragStop() end) local text = frame:CreateTexture(); text:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Arcane_Blink") text:SetAllPoints(frame); frame.texture = text; local t = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY"); t:SetNonSpaceWrap(false); t:SetPoint("CENTER", frame, "CENTER", 2, 0); t:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", 11, "OUTLINE, MONOCHROME") local ttext = ""; if i == 1 then ttext = "T"; elseif i == 2 then ttext = "F"; elseif i == 3 then ttext = "TDR"; elseif i == 4 then ttext = "FDR"; elseif i == 5 then ttext = "SDR"; elseif i == 6 then ttext = "IB"; end t:SetText(ttext); local which = ""; if i == 1 then which = "target"; elseif i == 2 then which = "focus"; elseif i == 3 then which = "targetdr"; elseif i == 4 then which = "focusdr"; elseif i == 5 then which = "selfdr"; elseif i == 6 then which = "interruptbar"; end frame.DragID = which; Rekt.MovableFrames[i] = {} Rekt.MovableFrames[i]["frame"] = frame; Rekt.MovableFrames[i]["texture"] = text; Rekt.MovableFrames[i]["text"] = t; end end --Show, resize them for k, v in pairs(Rekt.MovableFrames) do v["frame"]:EnableMouse(true) v["frame"]:SetMovable(true) v["frame"]:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton") v["frame"]:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", db[v["frame"].DragID]["xPos"], db[v["frame"].DragID]["yPos"]); v["frame"]:SetWidth(db[v["frame"].DragID]["size"]); v["frame"]:SetHeight(db[v["frame"].DragID]["size"]); v["frame"]:Show(); end end function Rekt:MovableFrameDragStart() this:StartMoving(); end function Rekt:MovableFrameDragStop() local db = Rekt.db.profile; db[this.DragID]["xPos"] = this:GetLeft(); db[this.DragID]["yPos"] = this:GetBottom(); --Rekt:Print(this:GetLeft() .. " " .. this:GetBottom()); this:StopMovingOrSizing(); end --size Functions function Rekt:getFrameSize(which) local db = Rekt.db.profile; return db[which]["size"]; end function Rekt:setFrameSize(which, size) local db = Rekt.db.profile; db[which]["size"] = size; Rekt:MoveTimersStop(which) if not db["locked"] then Rekt:ShowMovableFrames(); end end function Rekt:getDRNumSize(which) local db = Rekt.db.profile; return db[which]["drnumsize"]; end function Rekt:setDRNumSize(which, size) local db = Rekt.db.profile; db[which]["size"] = size; Rekt:MoveDRTimersStop(which) end function Rekt:getColorFrameSize(which) local db = Rekt.db.profile; return db[which]["colorframesize"]; end function Rekt:setColorFrameSize(which, size) local db = Rekt.db.profile; db[which]["colorframesize"] = size; Rekt:MoveTimersStop(which); Rekt:ReassignCds(which); if not db["locked"] then Rekt:ShowMovableFrames(); end end --Grow Order function Rekt:getGrowOrder(which) local db = Rekt.db.profile; return db[which]["growOrder"]; end function Rekt:setGrowOrder(which, v) local db = Rekt.db.profile; db[which]["growOrder"] = v; Rekt:MoveTimersStop(which) end function Rekt:setDRGrowOrder(which, v) local db = Rekt.db.profile; db[which]["growOrder"] = v; Rekt:MoveDRTimersStop(which) end --Sort Order function Rekt:getSortOrder(which) local db = Rekt.db.profile; return db[which]["sortOrder"]; end function Rekt:setSortOrder(which, v) local db = Rekt.db.profile; db[which]["sortOrder"] = v; Rekt:ReassignCds(which); end function Rekt:getTypeSortOrder(which) local db = Rekt.db.profile; return db["cdtypesortorder"][which]; end function Rekt:setTypeSortOrder(which, v) local db = Rekt.db.profile; db["cdtypesortorder"][which] = v; Rekt:ReassignCds("target"); Rekt:ReassignCds("focus"); end --Num Position functions function Rekt:getDRNumPosition(which) local db = Rekt.db.profile; return db[which]["drnumposition"]; end function Rekt:setDRNumPosition(which, v) local db = Rekt.db.profile; db[which]["drnumposition"] = v; Rekt:MoveDRTimersStop(which); end --Color options function Rekt:getColor(part) local db = Rekt.db.profile; if not db["color"] then db["color"] = {} end if not db["color"][part] then db["color"][part] = {}; db["color"][part]["r"] = 1; db["color"][part]["g"] = 0; db["color"][part]["b"] = 0; db["color"][part]["a"] = 1; end return db["color"][part]["r"], db["color"][part]["g"], db["color"][part]["b"], db["color"][part]["a"]; end function Rekt:setColor(part, r, g, b, a) local db = Rekt.db.profile; if not db["color"][part] then db["color"][part] = {} end db["color"][part]["r"] = r; db["color"][part]["g"] = g; db["color"][part]["b"] = b; db["color"][part]["a"] = a; end --Debug settings function Rekt:getDebugLevel() local db = Rekt.db.profile; return db["debugLevel"]; end function Rekt:setDebugLevel(v) local db = Rekt.db.profile; db["debugLevel"] = v; end function Rekt:getSpellCastDebug() local db = Rekt.db.profile; return db["spellCastDebug"]; end function Rekt:setSpellCastDebug(v) local db = Rekt.db.profile; db["spellCastDebug"] = v; end function Rekt:getSpellAuraDebug() local db = Rekt.db.profile; return db["spellAuraDebug"]; end function Rekt:setSpellAuraDebug(v) local db = Rekt.db.profile; db["spellAuraDebug"] = v; end function Rekt:getAllCDebug() local db = Rekt.db.profile; return db["allCDebug"]; end function Rekt:setAllCDebug(v) local db = Rekt.db.profile; db["allCDebug"] = v; end function Rekt:getSelfCDRegister() local db = Rekt.db.profile; return db["selfCDRegister"]; end function Rekt:setSelfCDRegister(v) local db = Rekt.db.profile; db["selfCDRegister"] = v; Rekt:ReassignCds("target"); Rekt:ReassignCds("focus"); end function Rekt:getIBSelfCDRegister() local db = Rekt.db.profile; return db["selfIBCDRegister"]; end function Rekt:setIBSelfCDRegister(v) local db = Rekt.db.profile; db["selfIBCDRegister"] = v; end