--TODOS: --Player Entering World -> cleanup the db --Chat Command --DR timers --Arcane Power?! --"Globals" local aceDB = LibStub("AceDB-3.0") local aceCDialog = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0") local aceConfig = LibStub("AceConfig-3.0") local libSharedMedia = LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0") Vect.MovableFrames = nil Vect.targets = { ["target"] = nil, ["focus"] = nil } Vect.cds = {} Vect.frames = { ["target"] = {}, ["focus"] = {} } Vect.defaults = { profile = { enabled = true, locked = true, debugLevel = 0, spellCastDebug = false, spellAuraDebug = false, allCDebug = false, selfCDRegister = false, target = { enabled = true, size = 27, xPos = 350, yPos = 350, growOrder = 2, sortOrder = 5 }, focus = { enabled = true, size = 27, xPos = 380, yPos = 380, growOrder = 2, sortOrder = 5 } } } function Vect:Reset() Vect.cds = {} Vect.target = {unitGUID = -1, timers = {}} Vect.focus = {unitGUID = -1, timers = {}} end function Vect:OnInitialize() self.db = aceDB:New("VectDB", self.defaults); self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileChanged", function() self:ApplySettings() end); self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileCopied", function() self:ApplySettings() end); self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileReset", function() self:ApplySettings() end); self:Print(self.appName .. " v. " .. Vect.version .. ". Chat command is /vect"); aceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Vect", self:GetVectOptions()); aceCDialog:AddToBlizOptions("Vect"); self:RegisterChatCommand("vect", "ChatCommand"); end function Vect:OnEnable() self:Reset() self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") self:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA") self:RegisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED") self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED") self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_FOCUS_CHANGED") self:CreateFrames("target"); self:CreateFrames("focus"); self:ApplySettings(); end function Vect:OnDisable() self:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") self:UnregisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA") self:UnregisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED") self:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED") self:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_FOCUS_CHANGED") self.Reset(); end function Vect:ChatCommand(input) --TODO end function Vect:COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED(_, timestamp, eventType, srcGUID, srcName, srcFlags, dstGUID, dstName, dstFlags, spellID, spellName, spellSchool, detail1, detail2, detail3) local db = Vect.db.profile; if not db["enabled"] then return end; --debugAll if db["allCDebug"] then self:Print("eventType: " .. eventType .. " id: " .. spellID .. " spellName: " .. spellName); end --debugAura if db["spellAuraDebug"] then if eventType == "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED" or eventType == "SPELL_AURA_REMOVED" or eventType == "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED_DOSE" or eventType == "SPELL_AURA_REMOVED_DOSE" or eventType == "SPELL_AURA_REFRESH" or eventType == "SPELL_AURA_BROKEN" or eventType == "SPELL_AURA_BROKEN_SPELL" then self:Print("eventType: " .. eventType .. " id: " .. spellID .. " spellName: " .. spellName); end end if eventType == "SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS" or eventType == "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED" then --debug spell if db["spellCastDebug"] and eventType == "SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS" then self:Print("id: " .. spellID .. " spellName: " .. spellName); end if Vect.spells[spellID] then Vect:AddCd(srcGUID, spellID); end end end function Vect:PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED() local unitGUID = UnitGUID("target"); self.targets["target"] = unitGUID; self:ReassignCds("target"); end function Vect:PLAYER_FOCUS_CHANGED() local unitGUID = UnitGUID("focus"); self.targets["focus"] = unitGUID; self:ReassignCds("focus"); end function Vect:PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD() --TODO clean up the db end function Vect:ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA() local type = select(2, IsInInstance()) -- If we are entering an arena if (type == "arena") then self:Reset(); end end --gets called when a cd is finished, reassigns the cds to frames. function Vect:ReassignCds(which) local db = Vect.db.profile; --bail out early, if frames are disabled if not db[which]["enabled"] or not db["enabled"] then return end; --first hide all for i = 1, 23 do local frame = Vect.frames[which][i]["frame"]; frame:Hide(); end --check if frames are unlocked if not db["locked"] then return end; --check if we need to display them for the player if not db["selfCDRegister"] and self.targets[which] == UnitGUID("player") then return end; --check if we have cooldown for that unit if not self.cds[self.targets[which]] then return end; --sort them local tmp = Vect:SortCDs(which); --let's fill them up local i = 1; for k, v in ipairs(tmp) do local frame = Vect.frames[which][i]["frame"]; local text = Vect.frames[which][i]["texture"]; text:SetTexture(v["spellIcon"]); local CoolDown = Vect.frames[which][i]["cooldown"]; CoolDown:SetCooldown(v["currentTime"], v["cd"]); frame:Show(); i = i + 1; end end function Vect:AddCd(srcGUID, spellID) local db = Vect.db.profile; if not db["enabled"] then return end; if not Vect.cds[srcGUID] then Vect.cds[srcGUID] = {} end local cd, reset = Vect.spells[spellID][1], Vect.spells[spellID][2]; local spellName, spellRank, spellIcon = GetSpellInfo(spellID); local currentTime = GetTime(); local endTime = currentTime + cd; Vect.cds[srcGUID][spellID] = { currentTime, endTime, cd, spellIcon, spellID } --self:Print(Vect.cds[srcGUID][spellID][1] .. " " .. Vect.cds[srcGUID][spellID][2] .. " " .. Vect.cds[srcGUID][spellID][3]); if reset then Vect:CdRemoval(srcGUID, reset); end --self:Print(self.targets["target"]); --self:Print(s if self.targets["target"] == srcGUID then self:ReassignCds("target"); end if self.targets["focus"] == srcGUID then self:ReassignCds("focus"); end end function Vect:CdRemoval(srcGUID, resetArray) if not self.cds[srcGUID] then return end for k, v in pairs(self.cds[srcGUID]) do for j, x in pairs(resetArray) do if v[5] == x then --self:Print("Removed cd: " .. v[5]); self.cds[srcGUID][v[5]] = nil; end end end end function Vect:SortCDs(which) local db = Vect.db.profile; local tmp = {}; --make the tmp table local i = 1; for k, v in pairs(self.cds[self.targets[which]]) do tmp[i] = { currentTime = v[1], endTime = v[2], cd = v[3], spellIcon = v[4], spellID = v[5] }; --self:Print(v[1] .. v[2] .. v[3] .. v[4] .. v[5]) --self:Print(tmp[i]["currentTime"] .. " " .. tmp[i]["endTime"] .. " " .. tmp[i]["cd"] .. " " .. tmp[i][4] .. " " .. tmp[i][5]) i = i + 1; end if db[which]["sortOrder"] == "1" then --["1"] = "Ascending (CD left)", table.sort(tmp, function(a, b) return Vect:ComparerAscendingCDLeft(a, b) end); elseif db[which]["sortOrder"] == "2" then --["2"] = "Descending (CD left)", table.sort(tmp, function(a, b) return Vect:ComparerDescendingCDLeft(a, b) end); elseif db[which]["sortOrder"] == "3" then --["3"] = "Ascending (CD total)", table.sort(tmp, function(a, b) return Vect:ComparerAscendingCDTotal(a, b) end); elseif db[which]["sortOrder"] == "4" then --["4"] = "Descending (CD total)", table.sort(tmp, function(a, b) return Vect:ComparerDescendingCDTotal(a, b) end); elseif db[which]["sortOrder"] == "5" then --["5"] = "Recent first", table.sort(tmp, function(a, b) return Vect:ComparerRecentFirst(a, b) end); elseif db[which]["sortOrder"] == "6" then --["6"] = "Recent Last", table.sort(tmp, function(a, b) return Vect:ComparerRecentLast(a, b) end); end --["7"] = "No order" return tmp; end function Vect:CreateFrames(which) for i = 1, 23 do local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent, nil); frame:SetFrameStrata("MEDIUM"); frame:SetWidth(150); frame:SetHeight(150); if i == 1 then frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function() self:VOnTimerUpdate(which) end) end local text = frame:CreateTexture(); text:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Arcane_Blink") text:SetAllPoints(frame); frame.texture = text; local CoolDown = CreateFrame("Cooldown", "VectCoolDown" .. i, frame); CoolDown:SetAllPoints() CoolDown:SetCooldown(GetTime(), 50); frame:Hide(); Vect.frames[which][i] = {} Vect.frames[which][i]["frame"] = frame; Vect.frames[which][i]["texture"] = text; Vect.frames[which][i]["cooldown"] = CoolDown; end end function Vect:MoveTimersStop(which) local db = Vect.db.profile; local x = db[which]["xPos"]; local y = db[which]["yPos"]; local size = db[which]["size"]; local growOrder = db[which]["growOrder"]; for i = 1, 23 do local frame = Vect.frames[which][i]["frame"]; frame:ClearAllPoints(); frame:SetFrameStrata("MEDIUM"); frame:SetWidth(size); frame:SetHeight(size); local text = Vect.frames[which][i]["texture"]; text:SetAllPoints(frame); frame.texture = text; --set them based on the grow type if growOrder == "1" then --Up frame:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", x, y + ((i - 1) * size)); elseif growOrder == "2" then --Right frame:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", x + ((i - 1) * size), y); elseif growOrder == "3" then --Down frame:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", x, y - ((i - 1) * size)); else --Left frame:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", x - ((i - 1) * size), y); end local CoolDown = Vect.frames[which][i]["cooldown"]; CoolDown:SetAllPoints(); --frame:Show(); end end function Vect:ApplySettings() local db = Vect.db.profile; Vect:MoveTimersStop("target"); Vect:MoveTimersStop("focus"); Vect:ReassignCds("target"); Vect:ReassignCds("focus"); if not db["locked"] then self:ShowMovableFrames() end; end function Vect:VOnTimerUpdate(which) --check if we have cooldown for that unit if not self.cds[self.targets[which]] then return end local t = GetTime(); --let's check if one of the cooldowns finished for k, v in pairs(self.cds[self.targets[which]]) do if v[2] <= t then self.cds[self.targets[which]][v[5]] = nil; --we have to update both, because if somebody is targeted and focused since sorting is --implemented it triggers only one update, probably it had bugs before too, but got unnoticed self:ReassignCds("target"); self:ReassignCds("focus"); end end end function Vect:VectDisable() self:Reset(); --self:Disable(); end function Vect:VectEnable() self:Reset(); self:ApplySettings(); end --Utility Functions for the options --enable function Vect:isEnabled() local db = Vect.db.profile; return db["enabled"]; end function Vect:setEnabledOrDisabled(enable) local db = Vect.db.profile; db["enabled"] = enable; if enable then Vect:VectEnable() else Vect:VectDisable() end end function Vect:isPartEnabled(which) local db = Vect.db.profile; return db[which]["enabled"]; end function Vect:SetPartEnabledOrDisabled(which, enable) local db = Vect.db.profile; db[which]["enabled"] = enable; --hide all those frames if not enable then for i = 1, 23 do local frame = Vect.frames[which][i]["frame"]; frame:Hide(); end else self:ReassignCds(which); end end --lock function Vect:isLocked() return Vect.db.profile["locked"]; end function Vect:LockFrames() self:MoveTimersStop("target"); self:MoveTimersStop("focus"); self:HideMovableFrames() self:ReassignCds("target"); self:ReassignCds("focus"); end function Vect:UnlockFrames() --this will hide the frames self:ReassignCds("target"); self:ReassignCds("focus"); Vect:ShowMovableFrames(); end function Vect:HideMovableFrames() if not Vect.MovableFrames then return end; --Hide them for k, v in pairs(Vect.MovableFrames) do v["frame"]:EnableMouse(false); v["frame"]:SetMovable(false); v["frame"]:Hide(); end end function Vect:ShowMovableFrames() local db = Vect.db.profile; --Create them if they doesn't exists if not Vect.MovableFrames then Vect.MovableFrames = {} for i = 1, 2 do local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent, nil); frame:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND"); frame:SetScript("OnDragStart", function() self:MovableFrameDragStart() end) frame:SetScript("OnDragStop", function() self:MovableFrameDragStop() end) local text = frame:CreateTexture(); text:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Arcane_Blink") text:SetAllPoints(frame); frame.texture = text; local which = ""; if i == 1 then which = "target"; elseif i == 2 then which = "focus"; end frame.DragID = which; Vect.MovableFrames[i] = {} Vect.MovableFrames[i]["frame"] = frame; Vect.MovableFrames[i]["texture"] = text; end end --Show, resize them for k, v in pairs(Vect.MovableFrames) do v["frame"]:EnableMouse(true) v["frame"]:SetMovable(true) v["frame"]:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton") v["frame"]:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", db[v["frame"].DragID]["xPos"], db[v["frame"].DragID]["yPos"]); v["frame"]:SetWidth(db[v["frame"].DragID]["size"]); v["frame"]:SetHeight(db[v["frame"].DragID]["size"]); v["frame"]:Show(); end end function Vect:MovableFrameDragStart() this:StartMoving(); end function Vect:MovableFrameDragStop() local db = Vect.db.profile; db[this.DragID]["xPos"] = this:GetLeft(); db[this.DragID]["yPos"] = this:GetBottom(); --Vect:Print(this:GetLeft() .. " " .. this:GetBottom()); this:StopMovingOrSizing(); end --size Functions function Vect:getFrameSize(which) local db = Vect.db.profile; return db[which]["size"]; end function Vect:setFrameSize(which, size) local db = Vect.db.profile; db[which]["size"] = size; Vect:MoveTimersStop(which) if not db["locked"] then Vect:ShowMovableFrames(); end end --Grow Order function Vect:getGrowOrder(which) local db = Vect.db.profile; return db[which]["growOrder"]; end function Vect:setGrowOrder(which, v) local db = Vect.db.profile; db[which]["growOrder"] = v; Vect:MoveTimersStop(which) end --Sort Order function Vect:getSortOrder(which) local db = Vect.db.profile; return db[which]["sortOrder"]; end function Vect:setSortOrder(which, v) local db = Vect.db.profile; db[which]["sortOrder"] = v; Vect:ReassignCds(which); end --Debug settings function Vect:getDebugLevel() local db = Vect.db.profile; return db["debugLevel"]; end function Vect:setDebugLevel(v) local db = Vect.db.profile; db["debugLevel"] = v; end function Vect:getSpellCastDebug() local db = Vect.db.profile; return db["spellCastDebug"]; end function Vect:setSpellCastDebug(v) local db = Vect.db.profile; db["spellCastDebug"] = v; end function Vect:getSpellAuraDebug() local db = Vect.db.profile; return db["spellAuraDebug"]; end function Vect:setSpellAuraDebug(v) local db = Vect.db.profile; db["spellAuraDebug"] = v; end function Vect:getAllCDebug() local db = Vect.db.profile; return db["allCDebug"]; end function Vect:setAllCDebug(v) local db = Vect.db.profile; db["allCDebug"] = v; end function Vect:getSelfCDRegister() local db = Vect.db.profile; return db["selfCDRegister"]; end function Vect:setSelfCDRegister(v) local db = Vect.db.profile; db["selfCDRegister"] = v; Vect:ReassignCds("target"); Vect:ReassignCds("focus"); end