Implemented a new 'onlyShowDRCountDown' option. If enabled it will cause the dr icons to only show up when a dr's countdown actually starts. Closes #1.

This commit is contained in:
Relintai 2020-08-30 22:05:47 +02:00
parent cad1f50161
commit 26b6b27413
4 changed files with 82 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -90,7 +90,8 @@ Rekt.defaults = {
growOrder = tostring(2),
sortOrder = tostring(5),
drnumsize = 14,
drnumposition = tostring(1)
drnumposition = tostring(1),
onlyShowDRCountDown = false,
focusdr = {
enabled = true,
@ -100,7 +101,8 @@ Rekt.defaults = {
growOrder = tostring(2),
sortOrder = tostring(5),
drnumsize = 14,
drnumposition = tostring(1)
drnumposition = tostring(1),
onlyShowDRCountDown = false,
selfdr = {
enabled = true,
@ -110,7 +112,8 @@ Rekt.defaults = {
growOrder = tostring(2),
sortOrder = tostring(5),
drnumsize = 14,
drnumposition = tostring(1)
drnumposition = tostring(1),
onlyShowDRCountDown = false,
color = {
gapcloser = {

View File

@ -228,27 +228,40 @@ function Rekt:ReassignDRs(which)
--let's fill them up
local i = 1;
for k, v in ipairs(tmp) do
local frame = Rekt.frames[which][i]["frame"];
local text = Rekt.frames[which][i]["texture"];
local CoolDown = Rekt.frames[which][i]["cooldown"];
local t = Rekt.frames[which][i]["text"];
if v["isDiminishingStarted"] then
CoolDown:SetCooldown(v["currentTime"], v["cd"]);
if db[which]["onlyShowDRCountDown"] then
if v["isDiminishingStarted"] then
Rekt:SetupDRIcon(which, i, v, v["cd"])
i = i + 1;
CoolDown:SetCooldown(v["currentTime"], 0);
if v["isDiminishingStarted"] then
Rekt:SetupDRIcon(which, i, v, v["cd"])
Rekt:SetupDRIcon(which, i, v, 0)
--print it out, if we need to
if db[which]["drnumsize"] > 0 then
i = i + 1;
i = i + 1;
function Rekt:SetupDRIcon(which, i, data, time)
local db = Rekt.db.profile;
local frame = Rekt.frames[which][i]["frame"];
local text = Rekt.frames[which][i]["texture"];
local CoolDown = Rekt.frames[which][i]["cooldown"];
local t = Rekt.frames[which][i]["text"];
CoolDown:SetCooldown(data["currentTime"], time);
--print it out, if we need to
if db[which]["drnumsize"] > 0 then
function Rekt:SortDRs(which)

View File

@ -456,3 +456,13 @@ function Rekt:setDRTime(v)
local db = Rekt.db.profile;
db["drtime"] = v;
function Rekt:isOnlyShowDRCountDown(which)
local db = Rekt.db.profile;
return db[which]["onlyShowDRCountDown"];
function Rekt:setOnlyShowDRCountDown(which, enable)
local db = Rekt.db.profile;
db[which]["onlyShowDRCountDown"] = enable;

View File

@ -354,18 +354,25 @@ function Rekt:getDROptions()
Rekt:setDRNumPosition("targetdr", v);
targetdrOnlyShowDRCountDownToggle = {
type = "toggle", name = "Only Show DR CountDown", desc = "If enabled the DR icon will only show up when the DR countdown actually starts.", order = 17,
get = function() return Rekt:isOnlyShowDRCountDown("targetdr") end,
set = function(_, v)
Rekt:setOnlyShowDRCountDown("targetdr", v);
focusdrHeader = {
type = "header", name = "Focus's settings", order = 17
type = "header", name = "Focus's settings", order = 18
focusdrtoggle = {
type = "toggle", name = "Enabled", desc = "Enable/Disable showing the focus's DRs.", order = 18,
type = "toggle", name = "Enabled", desc = "Enable/Disable showing the focus's DRs.", order = 19,
get = function() return Rekt:isPartEnabled("focusdr") end,
set = function(_, v)
Rekt:SetDRPartEnabledOrDisabled("focusdr", v);
focusdrRange = {
type = "range", name = "Focus's size", order = 19, min = 10, max = 150, step = 1,
type = "range", name = "Focus's size", order = 20, min = 10, max = 150, step = 1,
get = function() return Rekt:getFrameSize("focusdr") end,
set = function(_, v)
Rekt:setFrameSize("focusdr", v);
@ -373,7 +380,7 @@ function Rekt:getDROptions()
focusdrGrowSelect = {
type = "select", style = "dropdown", name = "focusDRGrow",
desc = "Change which way the focus's DRs will grow", order = 20,
desc = "Change which way the focus's DRs will grow", order = 21,
values = {
["1"] = "Up",
["2"] = "Right",
@ -387,7 +394,7 @@ function Rekt:getDROptions()
focusdrSortSelect = {
type = "select", style = "dropdown", name = "focusDRSortOrder",
desc = "Change the focus's DR's sort order", order = 21,
desc = "Change the focus's DR's sort order", order = 22,
values = {
["1"] = "Ascending (CD left)",
["2"] = "Descending (CD left)",
@ -404,7 +411,7 @@ function Rekt:getDROptions()
focusdrnumsizerange = {
type = "range", name = "Number's size", desc = "Focus's DR's Number's size. Set it to 0 to disable it!",
order = 22, min = 1, max = 30, step = 1,
order = 23, min = 1, max = 30, step = 1,
get = function() return Rekt:getDRNumSize("focusdr") end,
set = function(_, v)
Rekt:setDRNumSize("focusdr", v);
@ -413,7 +420,7 @@ function Rekt:getDROptions()
focusdrnumposselect = {
type = "select", style = "dropdown", name = "focusDRNumPos",
desc = "Change the focus's DR's number's position.", order = 23,
desc = "Change the focus's DR's number's position.", order = 24,
values = {
["1"] = "Up",
["2"] = "Right",
@ -426,18 +433,25 @@ function Rekt:getDROptions()
Rekt:setDRNumPosition("focusdr", v);
focusdrOnlyShowDRCountDownToggle = {
type = "toggle", name = "Only Show DR CountDown", desc = "If enabled the DR icon will only show up when the DR countdown actually starts.", order = 25,
get = function() return Rekt:isOnlyShowDRCountDown("focusdr") end,
set = function(_, v)
Rekt:setOnlyShowDRCountDown("focusdr", v);
selfdrHeader = {
type = "header", name = "Self's settings", order = 24
type = "header", name = "Self's settings", order = 26
selfdrtoggle = {
type = "toggle", name = "Enabled", desc = "Enable/Disable showing the your DRs.", order = 25,
type = "toggle", name = "Enabled", desc = "Enable/Disable showing the your DRs.", order = 27,
get = function() return Rekt:isPartEnabled("selfdr") end,
set = function(_, v)
Rekt:SetDRPartEnabledOrDisabled("selfdr", v);
selfdrrange = {
type = "range", name = "Self's DRs size", order = 26, min = 10, max = 150, step = 1,
type = "range", name = "Self's DRs size", order = 28, min = 10, max = 150, step = 1,
get = function() return Rekt:getFrameSize("selfdr") end,
set = function(_, v)
Rekt:setFrameSize("selfdr", v);
@ -445,7 +459,7 @@ function Rekt:getDROptions()
selfdrGrowSelect = {
type = "select", style = "dropdown", name = "selfDRGrow",
desc = "Change which way the your DRs will grow", order = 27,
desc = "Change which way the your DRs will grow", order = 29,
values = {
["1"] = "Up",
["2"] = "Right",
@ -459,7 +473,7 @@ function Rekt:getDROptions()
selfdrSortSelect = {
type = "select", style = "dropdown", name = "selfDRSortOrder",
desc = "Change the your DR's sort order", order = 28,
desc = "Change the your DR's sort order", order = 30,
values = {
["1"] = "Ascending (CD left)",
["2"] = "Descending (CD left)",
@ -476,7 +490,7 @@ function Rekt:getDROptions()
selfdrnumsizerange = {
type = "range", name = "Number's size", desc = "Your DR's Number's size. Set it to 0 to disable it!",
order = 29, min = 1, max = 30, step = 1,
order = 31, min = 1, max = 30, step = 1,
get = function() return Rekt:getDRNumSize("selfdr") end,
set = function(_, v)
Rekt:setDRNumSize("selfdr", v);
@ -485,7 +499,7 @@ function Rekt:getDROptions()
selfdrnumposselect = {
type = "select", style = "dropdown", name = "selfDRNumPos",
desc = "Change your DR's number's position.", order = 30,
desc = "Change your DR's number's position.", order = 32,
values = {
["1"] = "Up",
["2"] = "Right",
@ -498,6 +512,13 @@ function Rekt:getDROptions()
Rekt:setDRNumPosition("selfdr", v);
selfdrOnlyShowDRCountDownToggle = {
type = "toggle", name = "Only Show DR CountDown", desc = "If enabled the DR icon will only show up when the DR countdown actually starts.", order = 33,
get = function() return Rekt:isOnlyShowDRCountDown("selfdr") end,
set = function(_, v)
Rekt:setOnlyShowDRCountDown("selfdr", v);
return args;