tool extends Control class_name TextEditor const FONT:DynamicFont = preload("res://addons/text_editor/fonts/font.tres") const FONT_R:DynamicFont = preload("res://addons/text_editor/fonts/font_r.tres") const FONT_B:DynamicFont = preload("res://addons/text_editor/fonts/font_b.tres") const FONT_I:DynamicFont = preload("res://addons/text_editor/fonts/font_i.tres") const FONT_BI:DynamicFont = preload("res://addons/text_editor/fonts/font_bi.tres") const MAIN_EXTENSIONS:PoolStringArray = PoolStringArray([ "txt", "md", "json", "csv", "cfg", "ini", "yaml" ]) const INTERNAL_EXTENSIONS:PoolStringArray = PoolStringArray([ "gd", "import", "gdignore", "gitignore" ]) const FILE_FILTERS:PoolStringArray = PoolStringArray([ "*.txt ; Text", "*.md ; Markdown", "*.json ; JSON", "*.csv ; Comma Seperated Values", "*.cfg ; Config", "*.ini ; Config", "*.yaml ; YAML", ]) var plugin = null var plugin_hint:bool = false # hide dirs var show_dir_empty:bool = true var show_dir_hidden:bool = true var show_dir_gdignore:bool = true # var show_dir_git:bool = false var show_dir_import:bool = false var show_dir_trash:bool = false # hide files var show_file_hidden:bool = true var color_text:Color = Color.white var color_comment:Color = Color.white.darkened(.6) var color_symbol:Color = Color.deepskyblue var color_var:Color = var color_varname:Color = Color.white.darkened(.25) onready var test_button:Node = $c/c/c/test onready var tab_parent:TabContainer = $c/c3/c/c/tab_container onready var tab_prefab:Node = $file_editor onready var popup:ConfirmationDialog = $popup onready var popup_unsaved:ConfirmationDialog = $popup_unsaved onready var file_dialog:FileDialog = $file_dialog onready var line_edit:LineEdit = $c/c3/c/c/line_edit onready var menu_file:MenuButton = $c/c/c/file_button var ext_menu:PopupMenu = var hide_menu:PopupMenu = signal updated_file_list() signal file_opened(file_path) signal file_closed(file_path) signal file_selected(file_path) signal file_saved(file_path) signal file_renamed(old_path, new_path) signal symbols_updated() signal tags_updated() signal save_files() var current_directory:String = "res://" var dirs:Array = [] var file_list:Dictionary = {} #var ext_counts:Dictionary = {} var symbols:Dictionary = {} var tags:Array = [] var tags_enabled:Dictionary = {} var tag_counts:Dictionary = {} var exts_enabled:Array = [] var opened:Array = [] var closed:Array = [] func _ready(): if not is_plugin_active(): return # not needed when editor plugin # get_tree().set_auto_accept_quit(false) var _e _e = test_button.connect("pressed", self, "_debug_pressed") test_button.add_font_override("font", FONT_R) # popup unsaved popup_unsaved.get_ok().text = "Ok" popup_unsaved.get_cancel().text = "Cancel" var btn = popup_unsaved.add_button("Save and Close", false, "save_and_close") btn.modulate = Color.yellowgreen btn.connect("pressed", popup_unsaved, "hide") TE_Util.dig(popup_unsaved, self, "_apply_fonts") # menu menu_file.add_font_override("font", FONT_R) var p:PopupMenu = menu_file.get_popup() p.clear() p.add_font_override("font", FONT_R) p.add_item("New File") _e = p.connect("index_pressed", self, "_menu_file") # hide hide_menu.clear() hide_menu.set_name("Directories") hide_menu.add_font_override("font", FONT_R) hide_menu.add_check_item("Hidden", 0) hide_menu.add_check_item("Empty", 1) hide_menu.add_check_item(".gdignore", 2) hide_menu.set_item_checked(0, show_dir_hidden) hide_menu.set_item_checked(1, show_dir_gdignore) hide_menu.set_item_checked(2, show_dir_empty) hide_menu.add_separator() hide_menu.add_check_item(".ignore/", 4) hide_menu.add_check_item(".git/", 5) hide_menu.add_check_item(".trash/", 6) p.add_child(hide_menu) p.add_submenu_item("Directories", "Directories") _e = hide_menu.connect("index_pressed", self, "_menu_hide") # hide extensions ext_menu.clear() ext_menu.set_name("Files") ext_menu.add_font_override("font", FONT_R) ext_menu.add_check_item("Hidden", 0) ext_menu.set_item_checked(0, show_file_hidden) ext_menu.add_separator() for i in len(MAIN_EXTENSIONS): var ext = MAIN_EXTENSIONS[i] ext_menu.add_check_item("*." + ext, i+2) ext_menu.set_item_checked(i+2, true) exts_enabled.append(ext) ext_menu.add_separator() for i in len(INTERNAL_EXTENSIONS): var ext = INTERNAL_EXTENSIONS[i] var id = i+len(MAIN_EXTENSIONS)+3 ext_menu.add_check_item("*." + ext, id) ext_menu.set_item_checked(id, false) p.add_child(ext_menu) p.add_submenu_item("Files", "Files") _e = ext_menu.connect("index_pressed", self, "_menu_extension") # file dialog _e = file_dialog.connect("file_selected", self, "_file_dialog_file") file_dialog.add_font_override("title_font", FONT_R) TE_Util.dig(file_dialog, self, "_apply_fonts") # tab control _e = tab_parent.connect("tab_changed", self, "_tab_changed") # tab_parent.add_font_override("font", FONT_R) set_directory() # not needed when an editor plugin #func _notification(what): # match what: # MainLoop.NOTIFICATION_WM_QUIT_REQUEST: # for tab in get_all_tabs(): # if tab.modified: # # return # get_tree().quit() func is_plugin_active(): if not Engine.editor_hint: return true return plugin_hint and visible func _input(e): if not is_plugin_active(): return if e is InputEventMouseButton and e.control: if e.button_index == BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN: FONT.size = int(max(8, FONT.size - 1)) get_tree().set_input_as_handled() elif e.button_index == BUTTON_WHEEL_UP: FONT.size = int(min(64, FONT.size + 1)) get_tree().set_input_as_handled() func _apply_fonts(n:Node): if n is Control: if n.has_font("font"): n.add_font_override("font", FONT_R) func _menu_file(a): match menu_file.get_popup().items[a]: "New File": popup_create_file() func _menu_hide(index:int): match index: 0: show_dir_hidden = not show_dir_hidden hide_menu.set_item_checked(index, show_dir_hidden) 1: show_dir_empty = not show_dir_empty hide_menu.set_item_checked(index, show_dir_empty) 2: show_dir_gdignore = not show_dir_gdignore hide_menu.set_item_checked(index, show_dir_gdignore) 4: show_dir_import = not show_dir_import hide_menu.set_item_checked(index, show_dir_import) 4: show_dir_git = not show_dir_git hide_menu.set_item_checked(index, show_dir_git) 5: show_dir_trash = not show_dir_trash hide_menu.set_item_checked(index, show_dir_trash) refresh_files() func _menu_extension(index:int): # hidden files if index == 0: show_file_hidden = not show_file_hidden ext_menu.set_item_checked(index, show_file_hidden) # main extensions elif index-2 < len(MAIN_EXTENSIONS): var ext = MAIN_EXTENSIONS[index-2] var toggled = ext in exts_enabled if toggled: exts_enabled.erase(ext) elif not ext in exts_enabled: exts_enabled.append(ext) ext_menu.set_item_checked(index, not toggled) refresh_files() # internal extensions elif index-3-len(MAIN_EXTENSIONS) < len(INTERNAL_EXTENSIONS): var ext = INTERNAL_EXTENSIONS[index-3-len(MAIN_EXTENSIONS)] var toggled = ext in exts_enabled if toggled: exts_enabled.erase(ext) elif not ext in exts_enabled: exts_enabled.append(ext) ext_menu.set_item_checked(index, not toggled) refresh_files() func _file_dialog_file(file_path:String): match file_dialog.get_meta("mode"): "create": create_file(file_path) var tab_index:int = -1 func _tab_changed(index:int): tab_index = index var node = tab_parent.get_child(index) if node: _selected_file_changed(get_selected_file()) else: _selected_file_changed("") var last_selected_file:String = "" func _selected_file_changed(file_path:String): if file_path != last_selected_file: last_selected_file = file_path emit_signal("file_selected", last_selected_file) func is_tag_enabled(tag:String) -> bool: return tags_enabled[tag] func enable_tag(tag:String, enabled:bool=true): tags_enabled[tag] = enabled tags.clear() for t in tags_enabled: if tags_enabled[t]: tags.append(t) emit_signal("tags_updated") func is_tagged_or_visible(file_tags:Array) -> bool: if not len(tags): return true for t in tags: if not t in file_tags: return false return true func is_tagged(file_path:String) -> bool: if not len(tags): return true var tab = get_tab(file_path) if tab: return is_tagged_or_visible(tab.tags.keys()) return false func popup_create_file(dir:String="res://"): file_dialog.set_meta("mode", "create") file_dialog.current_dir = dir file_dialog.current_path = "new_file.txt" file_dialog.window_title = "Create File" file_dialog.mode = FileDialog.MODE_SAVE_FILE file_dialog.filters = FILE_FILTERS func create_file(file_path:String): var f:File = if, File.WRITE) == OK: f.store_string("") f.close() refresh_files() open_file(file_path) select_file(file_path) else: push_error("couldnt create %s" % file_path) func _debug_pressed(): set_directory() func _unhandled_key_input(e:InputEventKey): if not e.pressed: return if e.control: # save if e.scancode == KEY_S: emit_signal("save_files") # close/unclose tab elif e.scancode == KEY_W: if e.shift: open_last_file() else: close_selected() elif e.scancode == KEY_R: sort_files() else: return get_tree().set_input_as_handled() func sort_files(): TE_Util.dig(file_list, self, "_sort") emit_signal("updated_file_list") func _sort(dir:Dictionary): return TE_Util.sort_on_ext(dir) func get_selected_file() -> String: var node = get_selected_tab() return node.file_path if node else "" func get_tab(file_path:String) -> TextEdit: for child in tab_parent.get_children(): if child.file_path == file_path: return child return null func get_selected_tab() -> TextEdit: var i = tab_parent.current_tab if i >= 0 and i < tab_parent.get_child_count(): return tab_parent.get_child(i) as TextEdit return null func get_temporary_tab() -> TextEdit: for child in tab_parent.get_children(): if child.temporary: return child return null func save_file(file_path:String, text:String): var f:File = var _err =, File.WRITE) f.store_string(text) f.close() emit_signal("file_saved", file_path) func open_last_file(): print("open last closed") print(closed) print(opened) if closed: var file_path = closed.pop_back() open_file(file_path) select_file(file_path) func close_selected(): var tab = get_selected_tab() if tab: tab.close() else: print("cant close") func close_file(file_path:String): var tab = get_tab(file_path) if tab: tab.close() func _close_file(file_path, remember:bool=true): if remember: closed.append(file_path) var tab = get_tab(file_path) tab_parent.remove_child(tab) tab.queue_free() emit_signal("file_closed", file_path) func open_file(file_path:String, temporary:bool=false): var tab = get_tab(file_path) if tab: return tab else: tab = tab_prefab.duplicate() tab.visible = true tab.editor = self tab_parent.add_child(tab) tab.set_owner(self) tab.load_file(file_path) if temporary: tab.temporary = true else: opened.append(file_path) emit_signal("file_opened", file_path) return tab func is_opened(file_path:String) -> bool: return get_tab(file_path) != null func is_selected(file_path:String) -> bool: return get_selected_file() == file_path func recycle_file(file_path:String): var old_base:String = file_path.substr(len("res://")).get_base_dir() var p = file_path.get_file().split(".", true, 1) var old_name:String = p[0] var old_ext:String = p[1] var tab = get_tab(file_path) var new_file = "%s_%s.%s" % [old_name, OS.get_system_time_secs(), old_ext] var new_path:String = "res://.trash".plus_file(old_base).plus_file(new_file) # create directory var new_dir = new_path.get_base_dir() if != OK: print("couldn't remove %s" % file_path) return # save recovery information var trash_info = TE_Util.load_json("res://.trash_info.json") trash_info[new_path] = file_path TE_Util.save_json("res://.trash_info.json", trash_info) # remove by renaming rename_file(file_path, new_path) print("Send to " + new_path) if tab: tab_parent.remove_child(tab) tab.queue_free() if opened: select_file(opened[-1]) func rename_file(old_path:String, new_path:String): if old_path == new_path or not old_path or not new_path: return if push_error("can't rename %s to %s. file already exists." % [old_path, new_path]) return var selected = get_selected_file() if, new_path) == OK: refresh_files() if selected == old_path: _selected_file_changed(new_path) emit_signal("file_renamed", old_path, new_path) else: push_error("couldn't rename %s to %s." % [old_path, new_path]) func select_file(file_path:String): var temp = get_temporary_tab() if temp: if temp.file_path == file_path: temp.temporary = false else: temp.close() if not is_opened(file_path): open_file(file_path, true) # select current tab tab_parent.current_tab = get_tab(file_path).get_index() _selected_file_changed(file_path) func set_directory(path:String=current_directory): var gpath = ProjectSettings.globalize_path(path) var dname = gpath.get_file() current_directory = path file_dialog.current_dir = path refresh_files() func _file_symbols_updated(file_path:String): var tg = get_tab(file_path).tags for tag in tg: if not tag in tags_enabled: tags_enabled[tag] = false tag_counts.clear() for child in get_all_tabs(): for t in child.tags: if not t in tag_counts: tag_counts[t] = child.tags[t] else: tag_counts[t] += child.tags[t] emit_signal("symbols_updated") func get_all_tabs() -> Array: return tab_parent.get_children() func refresh_files(): # ext_counts.clear() dirs.clear() file_list.clear() var dir = if == OK: _scan_dir("", current_directory, dir, file_list) else: push_error("error trying to load %s." % current_directory) sort_files() func show_dir(fname:String) -> bool: if not show_dir_gdignore and".gdignore")): return false if fname.begins_with("."): if not show_dir_hidden: return false if not show_dir_import and fname == ".import": return false if not show_dir_git and fname == ".git": return false if not show_dir_trash and fname == ".trash": return false return true func show_file(fname:String) -> bool: if fname.begins_with("."): if not show_file_hidden: return false var ext = get_extension(fname) return ext in exts_enabled func _scan_dir(id:String, path:String, dir:Directory, last_dir:Dictionary): var _e = dir.list_dir_begin(true, false) dirs.append(path) var a_dirs_and_files = {} var a_files = [] var a_dirs = [] var info = { file_path=path, all=a_dirs_and_files, files=a_files, dirs=a_dirs, open=true } var fname = dir.get_next() while fname: var file_path = dir.get_current_dir().plus_file(fname) if dir.current_is_dir(): if show_dir(fname): var sub_dir = _scan_dir(fname, file_path, sub_dir, a_dirs_and_files) else: if show_file(fname): a_dirs_and_files[fname] = file_path fname = dir.get_next() dir.list_dir_end() # is empty? ignore if id and not (show_dir_empty or a_dirs_and_files): return # add to last last_dir[id] = info if path == current_directory: print(JSON.print(info, "\t")) for p in a_dirs_and_files: if a_dirs_and_files[p] is Dictionary: a_dirs.append(p) else: a_files.append(p) static func get_extension(file_path:String) -> String: var file = file_path.get_file() if "." in file: return file.split(".", true, 1)[1] return "" static func get_extension_helper(file_path:String) -> TE_ExtensionHelper: var ext:String = get_extension(file_path).replace(".", "_") var ext_path:String = "res://addons/text_editor/ext/" % ext if return load(ext_path).new() return load("res://addons/text_editor/ext/").new()