tool extends TE_ExtensionHelper func generate_meta(t:TextEdit, r:RichTextLabel): .generate_meta(t, r) var i = 0 var meta = {} var words = {} var word_count = 0 var chaps = [{i=0, id="???", words={}, word_count=0 }] while i < t.get_line_count(): var line = t.get_line(i) # get meta if i == 0 and line.begins_with("---"): i += 1 while i < t.get_line_count() and not t.get_line(i).begins_with("---"): if ":" in t.get_line(i): var p = t.get_line(i).split(":", true, 1) var k = p[0].strip_edges() var v = p[1].strip_edges() meta[k] = v if k == "name": chaps[-1].id = v i += 1 # ignore comments elif ""): return .toggle_comment(t, head, tail) func apply_colors(e:TE_Editor, t:TextEdit): .apply_colors(e, t) var code:Color = TE_Util.hue_shift(e.color_var, .33)#.darkened(.25) var quote:Color = lerp(e.color_text, e.color_symbol, .5) t.add_color_override("function_color", e.color_text) t.add_keyword_color("true", e.color_var) t.add_keyword_color("false", e.color_var) # bold italic t.add_color_region("***", "***", Color.tomato.darkened(.3), false) # bold t.add_color_region("**", "**", Color.tomato, false) # italic t.add_color_region("*", "*", Color.tomato.lightened(.3), false) # quote t.add_color_region("> ", "", quote, true) # comment t.add_color_region("", e.color_comment, false) # non official markdown: # formatted t.add_color_region("{", "}", lerp(e.color_text, e.color_var, .5).darkened(.25), false) if false: # quote t.add_color_region('"', '"', quote, false) # brackets t.add_color_region('(', ')', quote, false) else: # url links t.add_color_region("![", ")", e.color_var.lightened(.5)) # headings var head = e.color_symbol var tint1 = TE_Util.hue_shift(head, -.33) var tint2 = TE_Util.hue_shift(head, .33) for i in range(1, 6): var h = "#".repeat(i) t.add_color_region("%s *" % h, "*", tint1, true) t.add_color_region("%s \"" % h, "\"", tint2, true) t.add_color_region("%s " % h, "*", head, true) # lists t.add_color_region("- [x", "]", Color.yellowgreen, false) t.add_color_region("- [", " ]", e.color_text.darkened(.6), false) # code blocks t.add_color_region("```", "```", code, false) t.add_color_region("~~~", "~~~", code, false) t.add_color_region("---", "---", code, false) # strikeout t.add_color_region("~~", "~~", Color.tomato, false) # code t.add_color_region("`", "`", code, false) # at/mention t.add_color_region("@", " ", Color.yellowgreen, false) # tables t.add_color_region("|", "", Color.tan, true) func get_symbols(t:String) -> Dictionary: var out = .get_symbols(t) var last = add_symbol() var lines = t.split("\n") var i = 0 while i < len(lines): # initial meta data if i == 0 and lines[i].begins_with("---"): i += 1 while i < len(lines) and not lines[i].begins_with("---"): if "tags: " in lines[i]: for tag in lines[i].split("tags: ", true, 1)[1].split("#"): tag = tag.strip_edges() if tag: last.tags.append(tag) # elif "name: " in lines[i]: # = lines[i].split("name: ", true, 1)[1] i += 1 # i += 1 # symbols elif lines[i].begins_with("#"): var p = lines[i].split(" ", true, 1) var deep = len(p[0])-1 var name = "???" if len(p) == 1 else p[1].strip_edges() last = add_symbol(i, deep, name) # tags elif "", true, 1)[0].split("#"): tag = tag.strip_edges() if tag: last.tags.append(tag) i += 1 return out