tool extends TextEdit var editor:TE_Editor var _hscroll:HScrollBar var _vscroll:VScrollBar var helper:TE_ExtensionHelper var temporary:bool = false setget set_temporary var modified:bool = false var file_path:String = "" var mouse_inside:bool = false var symbols:Dictionary = {} var tags:Dictionary = {} var last_key:int var last_shift:bool var last_selected:bool var last_selection:Array = [0, 0, 0, 0] var hscroll:int = 0 var vscroll:int = 0 var in_focus:bool = false func _ready(): # prefab? if name == "file_editor": set_process(false) set_process_input(false) return var _e if not editor: editor = owner _e = editor.connect("save_files", self, "save_file") _e = editor.connect("file_selected", self, "_file_selected") _e = editor.connect("file_renamed", self, "_file_renamed") _e = connect("text_changed", self, "text_changed") _e = connect("focus_entered", self, "set", ["in_focus", true]) _e = connect("focus_exited", self, "set", ["in_focus", false]) _e = connect("mouse_entered", self, "set", ["mouse_inside", true]) _e = connect("mouse_exited", self, "set", ["mouse_inside", false]) if get_parent() is TabContainer: get_parent().connect("tab_changed", self, "_tab_changed") get_parent().connect("tab_selected", self, "_tab_changed") add_font_override("font", editor.FONT) var popup = get_menu() popup.add_font_override("font", editor.FONT) popup.add_separator() popup.add_item("Uppercase", 1000) # var sc = # sc.shortcut = # sc.shortcut.shift = true # sc.shortcut.control = true # sc.shortcut.scancode = KEY_U # popup.add_item_shortcut(sc, 1000) popup.add_item("Lowercase") popup.add_item("Capitalize") popup.add_item("Variable") # popup.add_shortcut() _e = popup.connect("index_pressed", self, "_popup_menu") # hint theme = theme.set_font("font", "TooltipLabel", editor.FONT_R) # var sb = # sb.bg_color.a = .75 # theme.set_color("font_color", "TooltipLabel", Color(0,0,0,.5)) # theme.set_stylebox("panel", "TooltipPanel", sb) # print(theme.get_color_list("TooltipLabel")) # print(theme.get_color_types()) TE_Util.dig(self, self, "_node") func _popup_menu(index:int): match get_menu().get_item_text(index): "Uppercase": selection_uppercase() "Lowercase": selection_lowercase() "Capitalize": selection_capitalize() "Variable": selection_variable() var cl var cc var isa var sl1 var sc1 var sl2 var sc2 func _remember_selection(): cl = cursor_get_line() cc = cursor_get_column() isa = is_selection_active() if isa: sl1 = get_selection_from_line() sc1 = get_selection_from_column() sl2 = get_selection_to_line() sc2 = get_selection_to_column() func _remake_selection(): cursor_set_line(cl) cursor_set_column(cc) if isa: select(sl1, sc1, sl2, sc2) func selection_uppercase(): _remember_selection() insert_text_at_cursor(get_selection_text().to_upper()) _remake_selection() func selection_lowercase(): _remember_selection() insert_text_at_cursor(get_selection_text().to_lower()) _remake_selection() func selection_variable(): _remember_selection() insert_text_at_cursor(get_selection_text().to_lower().replace(" ", "_")) _remake_selection() func selection_capitalize(): _remember_selection() insert_text_at_cursor(get_selection_text().capitalize()) _remake_selection() func _node(n): var _e if n is HScrollBar: _e = n.connect("changed", self, "_scroll_h", [n]) elif n is VScrollBar: _e = n.connect("changed", self, "_scroll_v", [n]) n.allow_greater = true func _scroll_h(h:HScrollBar): hscroll = h.value func _scroll_v(v:VScrollBar): vscroll = v.value func _tab_changed(index:int): var myindex = get_index() if index == myindex and visible: # grab_focus() # grab_click_focus() yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame") set_h_scroll(hscroll) set_v_scroll(vscroll) func get_state() -> Dictionary: var state = { hscroll=scroll_horizontal, vscroll=scroll_vertical } # unsaved if file_path == "": state.text = text return state func set_state(state:Dictionary): yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame") hscroll = state.hscroll vscroll = state.vscroll set_h_scroll(state.hscroll) set_v_scroll(state.vscroll) if "text" in state: if state.text.strip_edges(): text = state.text else: editor._close_file(file_path) func _file_renamed(old_path:String, new_path:String): if old_path == file_path: file_path = new_path update_name() update_colors() func _update_selected_line(): var l = cursor_get_line() editor.select_symbol_line(0) var depth = PoolStringArray() for i in len(symbols): var sindex = clamp(i, 0, len(symbols)) var symbol = symbols.values()[sindex] while len(depth) <= symbol.deep: depth.append("") depth[symbol.deep] = " ".repeat(symbol.deep) + if i == len(symbols)-1 or symbols.keys()[i+1] > l: editor.select_symbol_line(sindex) depth.resize(symbol.deep+1) hint_tooltip = "[%s]\n%s" % [editor.get_localized_path(file_path), depth.join("\n")] break func _input(e): if not editor.is_plugin_active(): return if not visible or not in_focus or not mouse_inside: return # show current position in heirarchy as editor hint if e is InputEventMouseButton and not e.pressed: _update_selected_line() if e is InputEventMouseButton and not e.pressed and e.control: var line:String = get_line(cursor_get_line()) # click link var ca = line.find("(") var cb = line.find_last(")") if ca != -1 and cb != -1: var a:int = cursor_get_column() var b:int = cursor_get_column() if ca < a and cb >= b: while a > 0 and not line[a] in "(": a -= 1 while b <= len(line) and not line[b] in ")": b += 1 var file = line.substr(a+1, b-a-1) var link = file_path.get_base_dir().plus_file(file) editor.open_file(link) editor.select_file(link) # remember last selection if e is InputEventKey and e.pressed: last_key = e.scancode last_shift = e.shift if is_selection_active(): last_selected = true last_selection[0] = get_selection_from_line() last_selection[1] = get_selection_from_column() last_selection[2] = get_selection_to_line() last_selection[3] = get_selection_to_column() else: last_selected = false # move lines up/down if e is InputEventKey and e.control and e.shift and e.pressed: var f var t if is_selection_active(): f = get_selection_from_line() t = get_selection_to_line() else: f = cursor_get_line() t = cursor_get_line() # move selected text up or down if e.scancode == KEY_UP and f > 0: var lines = [] for i in range(f-1, t+1): lines.append(get_line(i)) lines.push_back(lines.pop_front()) for i in len(lines): set_line(f-1+i, lines[i]) select(f-1, 0, t-1, len(get_line(t-1))) cursor_set_line(cursor_get_line()-1, false) if e.scancode == KEY_DOWN and t < get_line_count()-1: var lines = [] for i in range(f, t+2): lines.append(get_line(i)) lines.push_front(lines.pop_back()) for i in len(lines): set_line(f+i, lines[i]) select(f+1, 0, t+1, len(get_line(t+1))) cursor_set_line(cursor_get_line()+1, false) if e.scancode == KEY_U: selection_uppercase() if e.scancode == KEY_L: selection_lowercase() if e.scancode == KEY_O: selection_capitalize() if e.scancode == KEY_P: selection_variable() func _unhandled_key_input(e): if not visible: return # comment code if e.scancode == KEY_SLASH and e.control and e.pressed: helper.toggle_comment(self) get_tree().set_input_as_handled() func _file_selected(p:String): if not p: return if p == file_path: update_symbols() update_heading() var cl = cursor_get_line() var cc = cursor_get_column() var fl var fc var tl var tc var had_selection = false if is_selection_active(): had_selection = true fl = get_selection_from_line() fc = get_selection_from_column() tl = get_selection_to_line() tc = get_selection_to_column() grab_focus() grab_click_focus() yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame") cursor_set_line(cl) cursor_set_column(cc) if had_selection: select(fl, fc, tl, tc) grab_focus() grab_click_focus() func goto_line(line:int): # force scroll to bottom so selected line will be at top cursor_set_line(get_line_count()) cursor_set_line(line) _update_selected_line() func text_changed(): if last_selected: match last_key: KEY_APOSTROPHE: undo() select(last_selection[0], last_selection[1], last_selection[2], last_selection[3]) if last_shift: insert_text_at_cursor("\"%s\"" % get_selection_text()) else: insert_text_at_cursor("'%s'" % get_selection_text()) KEY_QUOTELEFT: undo() select(last_selection[0], last_selection[1], last_selection[2], last_selection[3]) insert_text_at_cursor("`%s`" % get_selection_text()) _: pass if not modified: if temporary: temporary = false modified = true update_name() func set_temporary(t): temporary = t update_name() func update_symbols(): symbols.clear() tags.clear() # symbol getter symbols = helper.get_symbols(text) # collect tags for line_index in symbols: var line_info = symbols[line_index] for tag in line_info.tags: if not tag in tags: tags[tag] = 1 else: tags[tag] += 1 editor._file_symbols_updated(file_path) func close(): if modified: if not editor.popup_unsaved.visible: var _e _e = editor.popup_unsaved.connect("confirmed", self, "_popup", ["confirm_close"], CONNECT_ONESHOT) _e = editor.popup_unsaved.connect("custom_action", self, "_popup", [], CONNECT_ONESHOT) # _e = editor.popup_unsaved.connect("hide", self, "_popup", ["cancel"], CONNECT_ONESHOT) else: editor._close_file(file_path) func _popup(msg): match msg: "confirm_close": editor._close_file(file_path) "save_and_close": save_file() editor._close_file(file_path) editor.popup_unsaved.disconnect("confirmed", self, "_popup") editor.popup_unsaved.disconnect("custom_action", self, "_popup") func load_file(path:String): file_path = path if path != "": text = editor.load_file(path) clear_undo_history() update_colors() update_name() func update_colors(): clear_colors() helper = editor.get_extension_helper(file_path) helper.apply_colors(editor, self) func _created_nonexisting(fp:String): file_path = fp modified = false update_name() update_symbols() func save_file(): if file_path == "" and text: editor.popup_create_file(editor.current_directory, text, funcref(self, "_created_nonexisting")) else: if modified: if not file_path.begins_with(editor.current_directory): var err_msg = "can't save to %s" % file_path push_error(err_msg) editor.console.err(err_msg) return modified = false editor.save_file(file_path, text) update_name() update_symbols() func update_name(): var n:String if file_path == "": n = "UNSAVED" else: n = file_path.get_file().split(".", true, 1)[0] if temporary: n = "?" + n if modified: n = "*" + n if len(n) > 12: n = n.substr(0, 9) + "..." editor.tab_parent.set_tab_title(get_index(), n) editor.tab_parent.get_tab_control(get_index()).hint_tooltip = file_path update_heading() func update_heading(): if Engine.editor_hint: return # set window "file (directory)" var f = file_path.get_file() if modified: f = "*" + f var d = file_path.get_base_dir().get_file() if d: OS.set_window_title("%s (%s) - Text Editor" % [f, d]) else: OS.set_window_title("%s - Text Editor" % f) func needs_save() -> bool: return modified or (not and text)