class_name TE_Util static func load_text(path:String) -> String: var f:File = if f.file_exists(path): var err =, File.READ) var out = f.get_as_text() f.close() return out push_error("no file at \"%s\"" % path) return "" static func load_json(path:String) -> Dictionary: var f:File = if f.file_exists(path):, File.READ) var out = JSON.parse(f.get_as_text()).result f.close() return out push_error("no json at \"%s\"" % path) return {} static func save_json(path:String, data:Dictionary): var f:File =, File.WRITE) f.store_string(JSON.print(data, "\t")) f.close() static func is_wrapped(t:String, head:String, tail:String) -> bool: t = t.strip_edges() return t.begins_with(head) and t.ends_with(tail) static func unwrap(t:String, head:String, tail:String, keep_white:bool=false) -> String: var stripped = t.strip_edges() stripped = stripped.substr(len(head), len(stripped)-len(head)-len(tail)) if keep_white: var whead = get_whitespace_head(t) var wtail = get_whitespace_tail(t) return whead + stripped + wtail else: return t.substr(len(head), len(t)-len(head)-len(tail)) static func wrap(t:String, head:String, tail:String, keep_white:bool=false) -> String: if keep_white: var whead = get_whitespace_head(t) var wtail = get_whitespace_tail(t) return whead + head + t.strip_edges() + tail + wtail else: return head + t + tail static func get_whitespace_head(t:String): var length = len(t) - len(t.strip_edges(true, false)) return t.substr(0, length) static func get_whitespace_tail(t:String): var length = len(t) - len(t.strip_edges(false, true)) return t.substr(len(t)-length) static func dig(d, obj:Object, fname:String): var f = funcref(obj, fname) if d is Dictionary: _dig_dict(d, f) elif d is Node: _dig_node(d, f) static func _dig_dict(d:Dictionary, f:FuncRef): f.call_func(d) for k in d: if d[k] is Dictionary: _dig_dict(d[k], f) static func _dig_node(d:Node, f:FuncRef): f.call_func(d) for i in d.get_child_count(): _dig_node(d.get_child(i), f) static func file_size(path:String) -> String: var f:File = if, File.READ) == OK: var bytes = f.get_len() f.close() return String.humanize_size(bytes) return "-1" static func sort(d:Dictionary, reverse:bool=false) -> Dictionary: return static func sort_value(d:Dictionary, reverse:bool=false) -> Dictionary: return static func sort_on_ext(d:Dictionary, reverse:bool=false) -> Dictionary: return static func split_many(s:String, spliton:String, allow_empty:bool=true) -> PoolStringArray: var parts := PoolStringArray() var start := 0 var i := 0 while i < len(s): if s[i] in spliton: if allow_empty or start < i: parts.append(s.substr(start, i - start)) start = i + 1 i += 1 if allow_empty or start < i: parts.append(s.substr(start, i - start)) return parts static func commas(number) -> String: number = str(number) var mod = len(number) % 3 var out = "" for i in len(number): if i and i % 3 == mod: out += "," out += number[i] return out class Dict: var d:Dictionary var a:Array = [] var i:int = 0 func _init(dict:Dictionary): d = dict func _pop(): for k in d: a.append([k, d[k]]) func _unpop() -> Dictionary: d.clear() for i in a: d[i[0]] = i[1] return d func sort(reverse:bool=false) -> Dictionary: _pop() a.sort_custom(self, "_sort_reverse" if reverse else "_sort") return _unpop() func sort_value(reverse:bool=false) -> Dictionary: _pop() i = 1 a.sort_custom(self, "_sort_reverse" if reverse else "_sort") return _unpop() func sort_ext(reverse:bool=false) -> Dictionary: for k in d: if "." in k: var p = k.split(".", true, 1) p = p[1] + p[0] a.append([k, d[k], p + "." + k]) else: a.append([k, d[k], "." + k]) i = 2 a.sort_custom(self, "_sort_reverse" if reverse else "_sort") return _unpop() func _sort(a, b): return a[i] > b[i] func _sort_reverse(a, b): return a[i] < b[i]