tool extends "res://addons/text_editor/" onready var line_edit:LineEdit = get_parent().get_node("c/le") onready var all_toggle:CheckBox = get_parent().get_node("c/all") onready var case_toggle:CheckBox = get_parent().get_node("c/case") var console_urls:Array = [] var last_search:String = "" func _ready(): var _e _e = line_edit.connect("text_entered", self, "_text_entered") # fix fonts line_edit.add_font_override("font", editor.FONT_R) all_toggle.add_font_override("font", editor.FONT_R) case_toggle.add_font_override("font", editor.FONT_R) func select(): line_edit.grab_focus() line_edit.grab_click_focus() line_edit.select_all() func _clicked(args): match args[0]: "goto": var tab:TextEdit = editor.open_file(args[1]) editor.select_file(args[1]) yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame") # goto line var hfrom = int(args[2]) var line = int(args[3]) tab.goto_line(hfrom) tab.goto_line(line, false) # select area var from = int(args[4]) var lenn = int(args[5]), from, line, from + lenn) tab.cursor_set_line(line) tab.cursor_set_column(from) func _text_entered(search_for:String): last_search = search_for clear() var found:Dictionary = _search(search_for) var bbcode:PoolStringArray = PoolStringArray() var fpaths = found.keys() for k in len(fpaths): if k != 0: bbcode.append("") var file_path:String = fpaths[k] var l = clr("%s/%s " % [k+1, len(fpaths)], + clr(file_path.get_file(), Color.yellow) l = meta(l, ["goto", file_path, 0, 0, 0], file_path) bbcode.append(l) var all_found = found[file_path] for j in len(all_found): var result = found[file_path][j] var got_lines = result[0] var highlight_from = result[1] var line_index = result[2] var char_index = result[3] bbcode.append(clr(" %s/%s" % [j+1, len(all_found)], for i in len(got_lines): l = "" var highlight = got_lines[i][0] var lindex = got_lines[i][1] var ltext = got_lines[i][2] if highlight: # var line:String = ltext # var head:String = line.substr(0, char_index) # var midd:String = line.substr(char_index, len(search_for)) # var tail:String = line.substr(char_index+len(search_for)) # head = clr(head, Color.white.darkened(.25)) # midd = b(clr(midd, Color.white)) # tail = clr(tail, Color.white.darkened(.25)) var h = TE_Util.highlight(ltext, char_index, len(search_for), Color.white.darkened(.25), Color.white) l = "\t" + clr(str(lindex) + ": ", Color.white.darkened(.25)) + h else: l = "\t" + clr(str(lindex) + ": ", Color.white.darkened(.65)) + clr(ltext, Color.white.darkened(.5)) if l: l = meta(l, ["goto", file_path, highlight_from, line_index, char_index, len(search_for)]) bbcode.append(l) set_bbcode(bbcode.join("\n")) # get a list of files containging lines func _search(search_for:String) -> Dictionary: var out = {} var search_for_l:String if case_toggle.pressed: search_for_l = search_for else: search_for_l = search_for.to_lower() var paths:Array # search all if all_toggle.pressed: paths = editor.file_paths # only search selected else: var sel = editor.get_selected_file() if not sel: var err_msg = "no file open to search" editor.console.err(err_msg) push_error(err_msg) return out else: paths = [sel] for path in paths: var lines = TE_Util.load_text(path).split("\n") for line_index in len(lines): var line:String = lines[line_index] # make lowercase, if case doesn't matter if not case_toggle.pressed: line = line.to_lower() # find index where result is found var char_index:int = line.find(search_for_l) if char_index != -1: if not path in out: out[path] = [] var preview_lines = [[true, line_index, lines[line_index]]] var highlight_from:int = line_index # previous few lines before a blank for i in range(1, 3): if line_index-i >= 0: if not lines[line_index-i].strip_edges(): break highlight_from = line_index-i preview_lines.push_front([false, line_index-i, lines[line_index-i]]) # next few lines before a blank for i in range(1, 3): if line_index+i < len(lines): if not lines[line_index+i].strip_edges(): break preview_lines.push_back([false, line_index+i, lines[line_index+i]]) # lines, index in file, index in line out[path].append([preview_lines, highlight_from, line_index, char_index]) return out