tool extends "res://addons/text_editor/" var chapter_info:Array = [] var sort_on:String = "words" var sort_reverse:Dictionary = { id=false, words=false, unique=false } func _ready(): var _e _e = editor.connect("file_opened", self, "_update") _e = editor.connect("file_saved", self, "_update") func _update(f): set_process(true) func _process(_delta): chapter_info.clear() for path in editor.file_paths: var file = path.get_file() var ext = file.get_extension() match ext: "md": _process_md(path) _sort() _redraw() set_process(false) func _chapter(path:String, line:int, id:String): chapter_info.append({ path=path, line=line, id=id, words=0, chars=0, unique=0 }) func _process_md(path:String): var lines = TE_Util.load_text(path).split("\n") _chapter(path, 0, "NOH") var i = 0 while i < len(lines): # skip head meta if i == 0 and lines[i].begins_with("---"): i += 1 while i < len(lines) and not lines[i].begins_with("---"): i += 1 # skip code blocks elif lines[i].begins_with("~~~") or lines[i].begins_with("```"): var head = lines[i].substr(0, 3) i += 1 while i < len(lines) and not lines[i].begins_with(head): i += 1 # heading elif lines[i].begins_with("#"): var p = lines[i].split(" ", true, 1) var id = lines[i].split(" ", true, 1)[1].strip_edges() _chapter(path, i, id) else: var words = lines[i].split(" ", false) var unique = [] for word in words: var w = clean_word(word.to_lower()) if w and not w in unique: unique.append(w) chapter_info[-1].words += len(words) chapter_info[-1].unique += len(unique) i += 1 func clean_word(w:String): var out = "" for c in w: if c in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz": out += c return out func _clicked(args): match args[0]: "sort_table": var key = args[1] if sort_on != key: sort_on = key else: sort_reverse[key] = not sort_reverse[key] _sort() _redraw() "goto": print(args) var tab = editor.open_file(args[1]) editor.select_file(args[1]) tab.goto_line(args[2]) func _sort(): if sort_reverse[sort_on]: chapter_info.sort_custom(self, "_sort_chapters") else: chapter_info.sort_custom(self, "_sort_chapters_r") func _sort_chapters(a, b): return a[sort_on] < b[sort_on] func _sort_chapters_r(a, b): return a[sort_on] >= b[sort_on] func _redraw(): clear() var c1 = Color.white.darkened(.4) var c2 = Color.white.darkened(.3) push_align(RichTextLabel.ALIGN_CENTER) push_table(3) for id in ["id", "words", "unique"]: push_cell() push_bold() push_meta(add_meta(["sort_table", id], "sort on %s" % id)) add_text(id) if sort_on == id: push_color(Color.white.darkened(.5)) add_text(" ⯅" if sort_reverse[id] else " ⯆") pop() pop() pop() pop() for i in len(chapter_info): var item = chapter_info[i] if == "NOH" and not item.words: continue var clr = c1 if i%2==0 else c2 # id push_cell() push_color(clr) push_meta(add_meta(["goto", item.path, item.line], item.path)) add_text( pop() pop() pop() # word cound for w in ["words", "unique"]: push_cell() push_color(clr) add_text(TE_Util.commas(item[w])) pop() pop() pop() pop()