2018-05-29 19:26:24 +02:00
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class SimpleTexFormatParser {
public static List<QuizEntry> Parse(string text)
List<QuizEntry> entries = new List<QuizEntry>();
string[] a = new string[1];
a[0] = "\\begin{tcolorbox}";
string[] firstarr = text.Split(a, System.StringSplitOptions.None);
//we can safely ignore the first entry, as it only contains the headers
for (int i = 1; i < firstarr.Length; i++)
a[0] = "\\end{tcolorbox}";
//the first entry should contain the text that we need
string[] secondarr = firstarr[i].Split(a, System.StringSplitOptions.None);
if (secondarr.Length == 0)
string body = secondarr[0];
if (!body.Contains("\\tcblower"))
a[0] = "\\tcblower";
string[] mainarr = body.Split(a, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (mainarr.Length != 2)
Debug.Log("mainarr.lenght != 2! " + mainarr);
QuizEntry qe = new QuizEntry();
//remove the windows carriage return, so the strings are easier to split
mainarr[0] = mainarr[0].Replace("\r", "");
mainarr[1] = mainarr[1].Replace("\r", "");
string[] questionarr = mainarr[0].Split('\n');
string question = "";
//we need to remove the tcolorbox attributes, so start with 1
for (int j = 1; j < questionarr.Length; j++)
question += questionarr[j];
qe.question = question;
string[] answersarr = mainarr[1].Split('\n');
int indexj = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < answersarr.Length; j++)
string answ = answersarr[j];
answ = answ.Replace("\\\\", "");
answ = answ.Trim();
if (answ.Equals(""))
if (answ.Contains("\\uline"))
answ = answ.Replace("{", "");
answ = answ.Replace("}", "");
answ = answ.Replace("\\uline", "");
answ = answ.Trim();
qe.answerId = indexj;
2018-05-29 22:15:20 +02:00
answ = answ.Substring(3);
2018-05-29 19:26:24 +02:00
return entries;